

08月19日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[六年级期末复习决心书怎样写]亲爱的同学们: 时间转瞬即逝,转眼间,紧张的期末复习已经到来,再过几周时间就要进行期末考试了。在这几周里,我们将开始紧张的期末复习.考试既是对我们学习成效的检验,也是对 一个...+阅读


Today,I got up at six o'clock this morning, mum has got the breakfast ready! then she went to work by bike, After finished my breakfast i cleaned up my house. 7.30a.m. i did my homework,10:30,ifinished all the homeworks,mum call me that we would go to my grandmonther"home.i went to there by bus,l have a nice afternoon in my grandmonther'home.evening,we went home.I thought i have a Chinese test tomorrow.So i took my Chinese book to review.I reviewed to half past 9.And dictation,words,poety and saying to 10.Then I went bed.



班别________ 姓名________

一、听句子,填上句子所缺的单词。 1. A:__________ Mrs Li doing ? B: She is _________ a letter . 2. A: Can you wash the _________ ? B: No , I ________ . 3. ________ is reading books in the _________ . 4. A: Is your birthday ________ 21st . B: No , it's Sept. _______ . 5. I like ___________ . Because I can _________ . 6. A: What are the lions doing ? B: ________ ___________ __________ . 7. A: Can monkeys _______ ___________ ? B: Sure . 8. A: _________ do you eat breakfast ? B: At ________ . 9. I read books on ________ __________ . 10. A: __________ animal do you like __________ ? B: Dog .

二、听问句,选答语。 ( ) 1. A. I fly kites . B. I'm playing games . C. I can do the dishes. ( ) 2. A. We play sports . B. They're singing. C. You're talking. ( ) 3. A. We are reading books . B. She's cooking dinner . C. He's drawing pictures. ( ) 4. A. Yes , you can . B. Yes , I can . C. Yes , I do . ( ) 5. A. My mother . B. Tom's . C. Me . ( ) 6. A. I plant trees . B. I plant trees in the park . C. I plant trees in the morning . ( ) 7. A. I like winter . B. English is my favourite class . C. Mrs Wang . ( ) 8. A. Yes , I can . B. Yes , I do . C. No , they can't . ( ) 9. A. They're swing . B. It's jumping . C. The monkeys are swing . ( ) 10. A. I clean the room . B. I see some books . C. I can see many birds .



Who is your English teacher?----Mr li.回答人

What is he like?----He is tall and strong.长相形容词

Is he\she strict?--Yes ,he \she is.\\\ No,he \she is not.疑问分男女


What day is it today?--------It is Monday.回答星期几

What do you have on Mondays?有什么课

We have English and Chinese.回答课程

What do you do on Sundays?on the weekend?干什么

I often watch TV.回答事情


1. What would you like?-------I would like fish and rice.喜欢吃…

2.What do you have for lunch?----I have tomato.吃什么?

3.What is your favourite food?\fruit?season?

I like fish.\fish.\\apples.fall.最喜爱

4.Do you like potatoes?----Yes,I do.\No I don't.


What can you do?----I can cook the meals.can的后面加动词原形

Can you cook the meals?

Yes,I can.\No,I can not.疑问句疑问词要提前,动词用原形

金钥匙 1 1英语5年级下册。第八单元。期末复习检测卷。答案

I.1~5 BDBCB 6~10 BDCBD

11~15 BDDCC 16~20 BACDD

II.1.owner 2.importance 3.were 4.helpful 5.funny 6.worride 7.younger 8.youself9.friendship 10.chatting

III.1.Dong't laugh at the old people

2.His parents are very strict with him

3.Children have plenty of time to do their home work now

4.l'm getting along/on well with my classmates

5.Have you come up with a good idea?

IV.1.to do 2.to get 3.was allowed to 4.didn't use 5.can she





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