

08月27日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[关于英语常用词汇]almond 杏仁 apple 苹果 apple core 苹果核 apple juice 苹果汁 apple skin 苹果皮 apricot 杏子 apricot flesh 杏肉 apricot pit 杏核 areca nut 槟榔子 banana 香蕉 bana...+阅读


balance sheet 资产负债表

income statement 收益表

statement of cash flows 现金流量表

operating expense 经营费用

operating result 经营成果

profitability 获利能力

partnership 合伙

reporting format 报告式

statement of owner's equity 业主权益表

T-account format T形账户表

accounting cycle 会计循环

anually 每年

adjust 调整

close 结清

inequality 不平衡

list 列示

post 过账

reverse 转回

temporary account 临时账户

trail balance 试算平衡表

transfer 转移

columnar 多栏的

closing entry 结账分录

accounting period 会计期间

accrue 计提

apportion 分配

benefit 利益

earn 赚取

expire 耗费

indefinite 无限的

insurance premium 保险费

matching 配比

portray 描述

prepaid 预付

precollected 预收

time period assumption 会计分配假设

closing procedure 结账程序

eliminate 消除

expedient 方便的

facilitate 便于

income summary 收益汇总

interim 期中

norminal account 虚帐户

post closing trial balance 结账后试算平衡表

reversing entry 转回分录

temporary account 暂时性账户

worksheet 工作底表

abbreviate 略缩

cash sales 现金销售

cash discount 现金折扣

credit sales 赊账销售

credit period 信用期

COD cash on delivery 付款交货

credit memorandum 贷项通知书

freight collect 货到付运费

freight prepaid 运费预付

fob shipping point 离岸价 起运地交货价

fob destination 到岸价 目的地交货价

grant 同意

merchandising company 商业公司

merchandise 商品

multi-step format多不式

operational activity 经营活动

purchase 购买

payment term 付款条件

sales revenue 销货收入

sales returns and allowances 销货退回于折让

sales discount 销货折扣

net sales revenue 销货净额

trade discount 商业折扣


Ordinary Income/Expense (一般支出)

Income (收入)

Sales (出售)

Sales Discounts (出售折扣)

Total Income (总收入)

Cost of Goods Sold (卖出货物成本)

Total COGS (卖出货物总成本)

Gross Profit (总利润)

Expense (支出)

Alarm Expense (警告支出)

Bank Service Charges (银行服务支出)

Business Trip Expense (出差费用)

Cleaning Expense (清洁费用)

Credit Card Charges (信用卡支出)

Delivery Expense (运费)

Equipment Rental (设备出租)

Franchise Fees (专营权费)

Insurance (保险费)

Ocean Delivery In Expense (远洋运输费)

Payroll Expenses (薪金支出)

Payroll-Cash (现金薪金)

Payroll-Check (支票薪金)

Total Payroll Expenses (总薪金支出)

Penalty (罚款)

Rent (租金)

Show Expense (展出费)

Booth Expense (展位费用)

Other Show Expense (其他展出费用)

Total Show Expense (展出总费用)

Supplies (供应)

Marketing (推销)

Office (办公室)

Warehouse (仓库)

Total Supplies (总供应量)

Taxes (税费)

Payroll-Federal (发薪政府)

Payroll-State (发薪国家)

Total Taxes (总税费)

Telephone (电话)

Trade Mark (商标)

Transportation Expense (运费)

Car Lease (汽车租赁费)

Gas and Parking (汽油停车费)

Other Transportation Expense (其他运输费用)

Total Transportation Expense (总运费)

Travel & Ent (出差补贴)

Meals (饮食费)

Total Travel & Ent (总差旅费)

Utilities (使用费)

Gas and Electric (汽油与家用电器)

Total Utilities (总使用费)

Warehouse Expense (仓库保管费)

Waste Expense (损失费)

Total Expense (总费用)

Net Ordinary Income (普通净收入)

Net Income(净收入)


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