

08月29日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[福尔摩斯经典语录]福尔摩斯的经典语录 0 1、在没有得到任何证据的情况下是不能进行推理的,那样的话,只能是误入歧途。 0 2、世上的事都是前人做过的,没什么新鲜的。 0 3、把奇怪和神秘混为一谈是...+阅读


"Everything comes in circles - even Professor Moriarty. . . It's all been done before, and will be again." ..........................................................福尔摩斯说过的名言(中英文对照)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~我的体质非常特别。工作的时候一点儿也不觉得累,如果闲着无事反而会使我委顿不堪了。 I have a curious constitution. I never remember feeling tired by work, though idleness exhausts me completely. 我好动不好静,一遇无事可做的时候,我就会心绪不宁起来。 My mind rebels at stagnation.我追精神上的兴奋。 I crave for mental exaltation.不用动脑筋,我就活不下去 I cannot live without brainwork. What else is there to live for?即使是最好的女人,也决不能完全信赖她们。 Women are never to be entirely trusted - not the best of them.可是爱情是一种情感的事情,和我认为是最重要的冷静思考是有矛盾的。

我永远不会结婚,以免影响我的判断力。 Love is an emotional thing, and whatever is emotional is opposed to that true cold reason which I place above all things. I should never marry myself, lest I bias my judgment.感情作用会影响清醒的理智。 The emotional qualities are antagonistic to clear reasoning.除去其他的因素,剩下的必是事实了。 Eliminate all other factors, and the one which remains must be the truth.我不是曾经和你说过多少次吗,当你把绝不可能的因素都除出去以后,不管剩下的是什么――不管是多么难以相信的事――那就是实情吗?How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?侦探术是――或者应当是一种精确的科学,应当用同样冷静而不是感情用事的方法来研究它。 Detection is, or ought to be, an exact science and should be treated in the same cold and unemotional manner.我向来不作任何例外。

定律没有例外。 I never make exceptions. An exception disproves the rule.


This takes place during the court scene. Alice argues with the Queen of Hearts about the order of a verdict and a sentence, and then Alice realizes that she is her normal size again and does not need to care what the Queen says. This is why she yells out:

Oh my ears and whiskers, how late it's getting!" -White Rabbit

Here we are, getting closer to the best quotes of them all. At number 2 position is a short and famous exclamation from Alice.

Alice eats a cake and expects something peculiar to happen to her. And finally her neck grows and grows so much that in the end she does not even see her own feet. Alice is so surprised that for a moment she forgets to speak good English and cries out:


There is only a tiny difference from one person and the next, however, it is this tiny difference that resulted in a huge difference. This tiny difference is the difference between their attitude, whether it is optimistic or pessimistic, and the huge difference is the difference of success and failure....


康德名言的德语原文这句话的德语原句为:Zwei Dinge erfüllen das Gemüt mit immer neuer und zunehmender Bewunderung und Ehrfurcht, je öfter und anhaltender sich das Nachdenken damit...

比尔盖茨名言英语原文1. Life is not fair that you get used to it. 1.生活是不公平的,你要去适应它。 2. The world does not care about your self-esteem, but requires you to feel good abo...

福尔摩斯的经典语录最好是对华生说的1)当排除了所有其它的可能性,还剩一个时,不管有多么的不可能,那都是真相。 2)在一个伟大的人看来,没有微不足道的事。 3)华生,我从来没有恋爱过。不过,如果我恋爱过,如果我爱的女子遭...


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