
有没有 one day的歌词

08月31日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[读书究竟有没有用]读书究竟有没有用? 文/连岳 读书有没用?面对这个问题,平时不摸书的人也会大喝一声:当然有用。政治正确的答案在这里似乎只有一个。 我有个堂哥,大我一岁,是二伯父的第二个儿子。他...+阅读

有没有 one day的歌词

one day 你也会成为大明星 one day 我一样可以做回自己 one day 我一定会比你行 one day one day check one two one day one day 你也会成为大明星 one day 我一样可以做回自己 one day 我一定会比你行 one day one day check one two one day! 妈妈说为何我会来到这个世界 是因为二十年前老爸每天都在和她搞暧昧 想要生个小宝贝 嘿对不对我是天掉下来的宝贝 唉可惜这个社会实在太无谓 每天都是打打杀杀你说受罪不受罪 happy day 已经不是 everyday day 你以为我想这样每天把自己灌醉 我没醉我真的没醉 我不累我真的一点一点都不累 只是寂寞的时候真的好想找人陪 所以今天晚上谁会陪我回去hey one day 你也会成为大明星 one day 我一样可以做回自己 one day 我一定会比你行 one day one day check one two one day! one day 你也会成为大明星 one day 我一样可以做回自己 one day 我一定会比你行 one day one day check one two one day! 我们一定会有那么一天 我们一定也有机会做神仙 我们一定会有那么一天 我们一定也有机会做神仙 想要出人头地不是说的那么简单 要经过多少困难你说烦不烦 多想可以回到小时候 什么都不用管只要想去哪里玩 举香一拜二拜三拜四拜再拜 所有的兄弟都跟我一起在期待 不用害怕失败更不用怕去被谁伤害 说我坏还不如说我比你厉害 one day 你也会成为大明星 one day 我一样可以做回自己 one day 我一定会比你行 one day one day check one two one day! one day 你也会成为大明星 one day 我一样可以做回自己 one day 我一定会比你行 one day one day check one two one day! 每个人都有天真的梦想 希望有一天可以实现自己的愿望 所以必须奋斗没有任何藉口 跌倒了爬起来继续往前走go 怎么会有那么多天真的想法 我快要分不出是真还是假 希望有一天你可以和我一样 让他们看见你的本事和最真的模样 one day 你也会成为大明星 one day 我一样可以做回自己 one day 我一定会比你行 one day one day check one two one day! one day 你也会成为大明星 one day 我一样可以做回自己 one day 我一定会比你行 one day one day check one two one day!

夏芮丝的one day歌词及中文翻译

They're not gonna keep me down 他们不能压制我 They're not gonna shut me out 他们不能把我排斥在外 They're gonna do what they do, I'll do me 他们做自己的事 I'm going against the crowd 我会与众不同 I'm drowning out the doubt 我会让人们打消质疑 They're gonna do what they do, I'll do 他们想干嘛就干嘛,我会做 Something original, be unforgettable 一些有新意的事,令人难以忘怀 They're gonna know my name 他们会知道我的名字 One day, make you a believer 会有一天,我会让你相信 One day, got this all I need is 总有一天,我会得偿所愿 One day, don't try to tell me I can't 有朝一日,不要试图告诫我我办不到 Right now, I'm running the future ,我正在谱写未来 Watchout, won't stop I'm a mover 看好了,我会奋勇向前 One day, you're gonna know who I am 总有一天,你们会对我 Oh when I'm high and free 我将 ,自由翱翔 It's not fate, wait and see, One day 这是我的命运,等着瞧,有朝一日 I've been afraid to fall,之前我心存胆怯 Too much for something more 想要获得更多 But now that I see that it's mine,但现在我明白这属于我 I'll take it 我会接受 Just go ahead and try,只管奋勇向前 You're not gonna change my mind 你们改变不了我的想法 There's no such thing as too late 一切都不会为时尚晚 One day, make you a believer 会有一天,我会让你相信 One day, got this all I need is 总有一天,我会得偿所愿 One day, don't try to tell me I can't 有朝一日,不要试图告诫我我办不到 Right now, I'm running the future ,我正在书写我的未来 Watchout, won't stop I'm a mover 看好了,我会奋勇向前,永不停步 One day, you're gonna know who I am 总有一天,你们会对我 Oh when I'm high and free 我将 ,自由翱翔 It's not fate, wait and see 这是我的命运,等着瞧 I'm on a mission, no longer listening 我正在行动,不再听信 To anyone that says don't try 别人 Sometimes you feel it deep in your spirit 有时你能感受,在你的灵魂深处 It's like a fire that won't die 我如一团烈火永不熄灭 One day 会有一天 Wait and see 等着瞧 One day 总有一天 Oh Just wait and see it 等着瞧吧 One day, make you a believer 会有一天,我会让你相信 One day, got this all I need is 总有一天,我会得偿所愿 One day, don't try to tell me I can't 有朝一日,不要试图告诫我我办不到 Right now, I'm running the future ,我正在谱写未来 Watchout, won't stop I'm a mover 看好了,我会奋勇向前永不停竭 One day, you're gonna know who I am 总有一天,你们会对我 Oh when I'm high and free 我将展翅飞翔自由翱翔 It's not fate, wait and see, One day 这是我的命运,等着瞧,总有一天 One day, One day, One day, One day, One day 总有一天,会有一天,有朝一日,终有一日

有一句歌词one day one day one

歌词“One day... one day...”,出自歌曲《One Day》 基本信息: 外文名称:One Day 所属专辑:Alphabet City 演唱者:ABC 作词:Fry, White 作曲:Martin Fry & Mark White 歌词: Knifing my way through a diamond mine Dragging those rocks From seabed to shoreline Rubies and sapphires from Emerald bay Stretching across the milky way One day... one day... Prospecting gold and staking my claim But the only thing I treasure Is hearing your name Most everyone dreams diamonds and furs I dream of love and baby it's yours One day... one day... One day you'll realise You'll see it on her eyes No room for alibis - one day... one day... One day you'll realise Feel me materialise You'll see you're just a fool to leave me One day... one day... one day soon baby They say that your life is an open book Well I just wrote a chapter so take a look Can't blame it on fate or destiny Now that your book... it features me One day... one day... One day you'll realise You'll see it on her eyes No room for alibis - one day... one day... One day you'll realise Feel me materialise You'll see you're just a fool to leave me One day... one day... one day soon baby Hardly a day goes by without me thinking of you No matter how hard I try you can't escape a dream Living my life - in the lap of luxury Living my life - confuse me... confuse me babee One day you'll realise You'll see it on her eyes No room for compromise - one day... one day... One day you'll realise Feel me materialise You'll see you're just a fool to leave me You can't shake a dream - how I wish that you could One day you're mine get that understood Until then each night I shall pray For a love that lasts forever and... One day... one day...


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