

09月01日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[求一段3人的英语对话口语考试]a:你们认为金钱和友谊和爱情三者哪个最重要? b:我认为金钱最重要 c:为什么?我不这样认为,我认为爱情更重要 b:你难道没听说过吗?没有永远的朋友,只有永远的利益。 a:你说的很有道理,可...+阅读


三个懒汉 The Three Lazy OnesA king had three sons whom he loved equally well, and he did not know which of them to appoint as king following his own death. When the time came for him to die he called them to his bed and said, “Dear children, I have thought of something that I will reveal to you. The one of you is the laziest shall become king after me.” The oldest one said, “Father, then the kingdom belongs to me, for I am so lazy that whenever I lie down to sleep, and a drop falls into my eyes, I will not even close them so that I can fall asleep.” The second one said, “Father, the kingdom belongs to me, for I am so lazy that when I am sitting by the fire warming myself, I would rather let my heels burn up than to pull my legs back.” The third one said, “Father, the kingdom is mine, for I am so lazy that if I were going to be hanged and already had the rope around my neck, and someone put into my hand a sharp knife with which to cut the rope, I would let myself be hanged rather than to lift my hand up to the rope.” When the father heard this he said, “You have taken it the farthest and shall be king.” 在一个遥远的地方,有一个国王,他有三个儿子,对每一个儿子他都非常喜爱,他不知道自己死后应该把王位传给他们三个中的哪一个。





A---teacher C---student B---作弊的那个(英文不会写|||) A:Let's have a class.Today we will take a exam. B to C:Wow!I'm afraid that i will fail the exam! C:oh!Don't be afraid!Believe yourself. B:But... A:ok!Let's start the exam!Please don't cheat in an examination! B(自言自语):What can i do for myself?I'm afraid! 开始考试…… B(自言自语):oh my god!What's this?I want to pass the exam,i want to copy C's papers,but... B to C:Please help me !I don't know how to do this.I wangt copy your papers.I know you are my best friend! C:I'm sorry.I'm your best friend but i can't do that! I think you can write down your anwser by yourself.Please believe yourself!


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