
有关Business Activities的三人对话最好400多单词急需谢了

09月13日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[雅思口语part 2 describe a family business]Describe a family business You should say: What business is How you know about it And explain why the business is successful 下面是我在“雅思救星”上看到的“des...+阅读

有关Business Activities的三人对话最好400多单词急需谢了

A: is there a lot of crime in your city? B: there's some, but I don't think it's a big problem. A lot of it is petty crime, burglary and car theft. There's very little major crime. A: it's the same in my city. We also have a lot of drug addicts. A lot of the crime is committed by drug addicts who need money for drugs. B; that happens in many places. In my city, there is a very good drug rehabilitation programme. The police and courts are also tough on people who commit crimes, but I don't know if that's the reason for our relatively low crime rate. A; some people believe that a tough approach is better. Other prefer a more lenient approach. B; I think that the best way to reduce crime is to spread wealth more evenly. If most people have similar amounts of money, they will not think of stealing from others. A; that's possible, but I'm not sure it would really happen like that . Intermediate A: which social problem do you think the government needs to concentrate on most? B; I think housing is a big problem. There are thousands of homeless people on the streets. A: how would you solve the problem? B: I have a good idea to solve it. The government could provide some money for homeless people to build their own homes. A; it would probably be very expensive. B; I think the government can afford it. Besides, there are many advantages. Homeless people would find it easier to get jobs if they had an address. They would learn some useful skill for finding jobs in the construction industry or home improvement. A; it's not a bad idea. I think education is the biggest problem at the moment. Schools don't seem to have enough money to educate kids properly. B; if we are to invest more money to education, we will need to raise taxes. That wouldn't be popular with voters. A: most voters what everything bout ways. They want the government to pay for lots of things, but without increasing taxes. B: the government should show that it is using money efficiently. Sometimes you hear about how the government has wasted money on a project. A: yes. The government has limited funds and must show that it is using the money responsibly. 两个掺和一下,ABC自定

英文对话business etiquette急用!!

我写的比较短, 如果你还想写多一些 再来问我哈~不知道你想注重哪方面的

A: Hey, Mary! How's everything going?

B: I've found a job last week, but now I am in trouble.

A: For what? It should be a delightful thing,uh?

B: Yeah, but our manager wanted me to attend a meeting with him. I'm afraid I do not know the etiquette.

A: Don't worry! Just be yourself, and keep smile with less words. You need to address a person using his or her family name only, such as Mr. Chen or Ms. Hsu. Understand?

B: Oh, I see, is there anything else I need to take care of?

A: Let me see...If someone gave you a name card, you should receive it with both hands and give one of yours back.

B: Ah, really, I've never heard it before! Thank you very much~


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