
英语作文批改。题目是 Should Parents Send Their Kids to Art

09月21日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英语作文题目兴趣是最好的老师]I was not able to get high marks when I was in primary school. Teachers didn't like me because I was not a good student. Mother considered me as a bad kid. They...+阅读

英语作文批改。题目是 Should Parents Send Their Kids to Art

Nowadays, parents always want their kids become the achiever so that they send them to take part in the art classe. However, too (much->many) courses (for children unbearable->increase the study pressure to their children to an unbearable degree). So, there is a problem.Should parents send their kids to art classes? Some people do really support the idea that parents should send teir kids to art classes. In their opinion,( join->joining) the classes means the kids can obtain more knowledge and have a shkill. What's more, if the kids study well, they also can have more opptunities to( have a去掉) success. So, why not send them to art classes? But, the coin has two faces. here are some people disagree with these parents. In their minds, kid just a kid,their narural is (playing->play 可以单独做名词,这样简洁,而且playing很容易和现在进行时混淆). It is unbearable for kids to take part in too many classes. At the same time, if they don;t want to study like this, they can't study well. So, why send them to (such->so) many classes? In short, Ithink if the kid (like->likes) drawing, then send he or she to study drawing. If the kid (like->likes) singing, then send he or she to study singing. (Interesting->interests) is the best teacher. It is unnecessary to take part in so many art classes. If they don't want to join the classes, then let them play with each other. Happiness (just is->is just) the most important thing for them. 总体写的还可以,有些小错,还有文章有一些重复用词可以变换一下,以体现表达的多样性。

比如多次使用 send their kids to art class 你可以变换成 force their kids to learn art 还可以 burden their children with art class等等 再如最后一段Ithink if the kid (like->likes) drawing, then send he or she to study drawing. If the kid (like->likes) singing, then send he or she to study singing.改为 I think if the kids likes drawing or singing,provide them the conditions of both high quality teachers and lessons. unbearable改成intolerable 多次使用的take part in 可以改为 attend , learn in 另外我多改了一个地方(Interesting->interests)

批改英语作文 Do small events lead to catastrophes or are great

Also whoever think bathing and any relation to Archimedes' rule? But that's what happend in the true history(这个例子有点牵强。, there are lots of examples which can support this idea. For example, the vanished Inca empire which the scientists believed that it was caused by climate change(这个例子我觉得不太能支持你的论点,但我一时想不到什么好例子).

不要用On the other hand来连接, 除非上文你用了On one hand.

Furthermore, some minor things can trigger some unexpected huge events。我不知道你上几年级I agree that small events can turn into a big disater by the time passing. As what the people always says'Rome is not built in one day'。继续努力一定能写出更好的文章。我的改动是根据我个人的口味,并不是一定要这么改,仅仅给你做个参考, such as saving water.

你的想法非常好;s head can perfectly approve my point above, is to start from something minor, like global warming and rare animals'the butterfly effect' which means a wave caused by a butterfly can cause a great tornado on the other side of the earth。祝学习进步. In human', it can be seem that one little step may lead to great changes. Armsteran who was the first human landed on moon said that a small step for man could be a giant leap for human beings. (建议尽量少用直接引用)Based on the discuss above,we can see the things we can do for some great evening,但是整体的安排欠佳; extinction;s history. The apple hit Newton'。。)

Therefore, we should put more attention and investment on the projects which seems worthless now, for example the research on outer space and gene. I believe these research will change human being's life totally in the futuer. Also,但是从你的行文中可以看出你很有想法;. Some people may argue that there are so many catastrophes happend at once. However the best explanation is '


Last sunday. I and my father, mother, grandparents, brother went to niushoushan

by bus. In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom. We climb up the hill along the mountain path. Come halfway up the mountain, I feel a little tired,it began to rain,My West Lake silk umbrella missed,. Dad said to me,“Jill, don't do anything halfway.”at last,So I insisted reached the top, the top of the scenery so beautiful.We were flying kites, ate cold rice noodles .finally we went home.finally,Since then, I've kept the umbrella。i was very happy


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