

09月22日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[帮我找几篇英语笑话]A driver is stopped by a police officer. The driver asks, "What's the problem officer?" Officer: "You were going at least 75 in a 55 zone." Man: "No sir, I was going...+阅读


英语短笑话:荒唐的信 Two psychiatrists were at a convention. “What was your most difficult case?” one asked the other. “Once I had a patient who lived in a pure fantasy world,” replied his colleague. “He believed that a wildly rich uncle in South America was going to leave him a fortune. All day long he waited for a makebelieve letter to arrive from a fictitious attorney. He never went out or did anything. He just sat around and waited.” “What was the result?” “It was an eightyear struggle, but I finally cured him. And then that stupid letter arrived...” 两个精神病专家在一次会议上碰见了。其中一个问另一个:“你最棘手的病例是什么样的?” “我曾有过一个病人,他生活在一个纯幻想的世界里,”他的同行回答。“他坚信南美有个大富翁叔叔要留给他一笔遗产。他整天等待着从一个虚构的律师那儿收到证实信。他从不出门,无所事事,只是坐着干等。” “结果如何?” “经过长达8年的努力,我终于把他给治好了。可就在那时,那封荒唐的信到了……”

1、An Absent-minded Professor When they pulled the absent-minded professor, half drowned, from the lake, he sputtered, “How absent-minded I am! I have just remembered that I can swim.” 健忘的教授 当人们把健忘的、淹得半死的教授从湖里拉上来时,他气急败坏地说道:“我真健忘,我刚刚才想起我会游泳!”

2、Father's Motto teacher: My Children, remember this motto. “Give others more and leave for yourself less.” Jack: It' just my father's motto! Teacher: How noble your father's quality is! What's his occupation? Jack: He is a boxer. 父亲的格言 老师:孩子们,记住这句格言:“多给予,少接受。” 杰克:那正是我父亲的格言! 老师:你父亲真是个品质高尚的人啊!他是干什么工作的? 杰克:它是个拳击手。

3、He Was Caught “Polorius was kicked out of school for cheating.” “how come?” “He was caught, counting his ribs in a hygiene exam.” 他被抓住了 “波罗涅斯由于作弊被开除了” “什么原因啊” “在生理卫生考试中,他数自己的肋骨,结果被发现了.”


1、An Absent-minded Professor When they pulled the absent-minded professor, half drowned, from the lake, he sputtered, “How absent-minded I am! I have just remembered that I can swim.” 健忘的教授 当人们把健忘的、淹得半死的教授从湖里拉上来时,他气急败坏地说道:“我真健忘,我刚刚才想起我会游泳!”

2、Father's Motto teacher: My Children, remember this motto. “Give others more and leave for yourself less.” Jack: It' just my father's motto! Teacher: How noble your father's quality is! What's his occupation? Jack: He is a boxer. 父亲的格言 老师:孩子们,记住这句格言:“多给予,少接受。

” 杰克:那正是我父亲的格言! 老师:你父亲真是个品质高尚的人啊!他是干什么工作的? 杰克:它是个拳击手。

3、He Was Caught “Polorius was kicked out of school for cheating.” “how come?” “He was caught, counting his ribs in a hygiene exam.” 他被抓住了 “波罗涅斯由于作弊被开除了” “什么原因啊” “在生理卫生考试中,他数自己的肋骨,结果被发现了.”


A tiger caught a Deer.一只老虎抓到一头鹿

The tiger plans to eat the deer, so the deer screamed: " you can't eat me"老虎打算吃了这头鹿.鹿急忙大叫:“你不能吃我?”

The tiger hesitated, feeling very strange, so he asked the deer: " why can't i eat you? 老虎一楞,感到很奇怪,于是问鹿:“为什么我不能吃你?”

The deer said:" Because im a protected second class animal in the country, so, no matter what you can't eat me !"


The tiger after hearing what the deer said, laughed and said " haha, then i should really eat you !


Deer asked : " why ?"


" because im a first class protected animal in the country" Tiger proudly said


A mother saw her three-year-old son put nickel in his mouth and swallowed it .She immediately picked hime up, turned him upside down and hit him on the back, whereupon he coughed up two dimes.Frantically, she called to the father outside.

"Your son just swallowed a nickel and coughed up two dimes!What shall I do ?"

Yelled back the father ,"Keep feeding him nickels!"




Just Sew the Buttonhole

Husband: Did you sew the button on my shirt, darling?

Wife: No, dear. I couldn't find the button, so I just sewed up the buttonhole.




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