

09月22日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[帮我写一篇游览日记]5月14日 今天,我们全校都要去春游。学校四,五,六年级去溪源庵游览。一,二,三年级去九峰山游玩。 车行了30分钟后,我们到了溪源庵脚下,这里山清水秀,绿树成林。还有鸟叫声,鸟儿也在欢...+阅读



Before I studied English, I thought is was quite easy,but when I really started to learn that,I found it was quite difficult.

To begin with,my vocabulary has limitation,and whenever I try to express my thoughts I can't find proper words.Secondly,although I know something about English grammar,I find it hard to organize a stentence in a proper way,and it seems all my sentences look awkward.And I am not satisfied with my reading comprehension,firstly,my reading speed is too slow,and even I take a long time to read a essay

,I can't understand it completely,again,this is realted to the limitation of my vocabulary.Last but not least,I can't speak English fluently,and this is what I always worry about,I think it's the ultimate aim of learning a language,because a language is used to communicate with other


However,although I face so many problems in my English study,I've decided to learn it well.I keep one idiom in my mind:Where there is a will,there is a way.


February 25th Tuesday cloudy The school Autumn Ganes closed this afternoon after two day's exciting competion. In the school games,about 200 students from six grades jioned in the track and field sports ground and many recordes were broken.To the pride of the whole class, our class took the first place of the grade.What's more,my classmate Chen Hua won four gold medals and was chosen the best sportsman. I feel proud,too.This morning I took part in the long jump and won a gold meadal.And I was very happy to make a lot of new friends,too.What an exciting day it is!

把分给高一点啊!我可以给你5,6篇日记啊! 二月二十五日 星期二 多云 这些格式应在第一行。英语的句子也时空两格书写。打字时错位了。望明白!


I have some difficulty in learning English.我在英语学习中遇到了一些困难. For example, I can't tell the difference between written English and spoken English. 举个例子,我不能说出书面英语和英语口语的区别. Sometimes I often make mistakes while speaking to others. 有时候,我在与别人交谈的时会犯一些错误. Talking about English study,I think practice is necessary and important. 关于英语学习,我想实践是很必要和重要的. For the improvement of English,we should practice as much as possible. 为了提高英语,我们应该尽可能多地进行实践. Before classes,we must preview the lesson by repeating after the tapes and look up the new words in the dictionaries.课前,我们必须通过跟着录音磁带朗读以及查阅字典查找新单词的方法来预习课文. When in class,we ought to try all our best to answer the teachers' questions. 上课过程中,我们应该全力以赴去回答老师提出的问题. And it's very useful to keep the texts in mind. 并且背诵课文是非常有用的. Listening to english news also does good to our english,especially in improving my spoken English. 听英语新闻也是对学英语有帮助的,尤其可以提高我们的英语口语.


My family There are three people in my family. My mother, my father and I. We are all different. My mother is a laborious woman. Everyday she gets up esrliest in my home. She cooks greakfast and cleans the room in the morning. She is so busy! And I think she is a sociable woman. Because she has a lot of friends and she can talk with her friends in the street! Oh, this is my mother's personality. My father is a easy-going man. He nevr complain to people. But sometimes he is a stubborn man. If he decedes to do something, no one can stop him. I think I am a broad-minded girl. I always like to help people and make them happy. But I am moody. I am bright and lively one minute, and quiet and bad-tempered the next. This is my family. Do you like us? Happy Family Everyone has a family. I have a family, too. I name it “Happy family”, because everyone in my family is happy. Come and meet my family, please! My mother is kind. I love her, and she loves me, too. My mother is pretty. She likes beautiful clothes. I call her“Dressy Mum”. My father is a boss. He is tall and thin. He has a small head. I give him a nickname“Small Head Father”. I am fat and lovely. I have a big head. I give myself a nickname“Big Head Girl”. I study hard. I am a good student. We are happy every day! My Lovely Father I have a busy father . He works in a big office . He has a big company. He is busy every day . He has many thing to do . He has no time to go home for lunch . He gets home at 7:00 p.m . At home he does the housework. He cooks nice dishes for mother and me . On weekends , he often goes to the park with me .Sometimes he goes to swim with me ,too. I like to stay with my father . He is a good father , he is also a happy business man .


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