

09月28日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[希望用英文怎么说]希望的英语翻译是hope。 词汇分析音标:英 [həʊp] 美 [hop] 释义: nn. 希望;期望;信心 vt. 希望;期望 vi. 希望;期待;信赖 短语Hope Floats 真爱告白 ; 希望浮现 ; 真情告白电影原声...+阅读


宣传片的英文:promotional video

video 读法 英 ['vɪdɪəʊ] 美 ['vɪdɪo]

1、n. [电子] 视频;录像,录像机;电视

2、adj. 视频的;录像的;电视的

3、v. 录制


1、video recording 录象;显像记录

2、video transmission 视频传输;视频发送

3、video compression 视频压缩;视讯压缩;图象压缩

4、video capture 视频捕捉

5、video clip 视频剪辑;视讯片段



movie 读法 英 ['muːvɪ] 美 ['muvi]

1、n. 电影;电影院;电影业

2、adj. 电影的


1、movie camera 电影摄影机

2、comedy movie 喜剧片

3、movie file 电影文件;电影档案

4、take in a movie 看一场电影

5、movie house 电影院


picture, film, cinema, movie这组词都有“电影”的意思,其区别是:

1、picture 从原义指银幕或电视屏幕上的图像引申指影片。

2、film 指电影、影片,普通用词。

3、cinema 与the连用指(上映的)电影,电影工业;可指电影院;在英国与the连用还可指电影艺术。

4、movie 美国英语中的口语用词。




In the dark time,when hope was bleak,there left a young girl who's only escaped was in the legend ......her back.

The legend speaks of a lost soul of a princess from another world who one day be reborn.

There will be signs that mark her return.

There will be secret that rewive her destine.

There will be a journey that we make you believe.

From Picturehouse and the imagination of(某某人)。

In darkness,there can be light.

In misery ,there can be beauty.

In death ,there can be life.

Pan's Labyrinth




What a good boy.真是好孩子Andi and Bruce found a perfect dog.Andi 和 Bruce 找到了一只完美的狗狗。I'm a kind woman, OK? But we have rules and you know them. No dogs allowed.我是一个体贴的妈妈,对吧?但是你知道我们有规定。不许养狗。Nutri generate.(不知道nutri的意思)Now all they need is a place for him to stay.现在他们需要的是一个住的地方。Don't you think he deserves a real home?你难道不觉得他应该得到一个真正的家吗?Friday ,no, get back here.星期五,不行,快回来这里。What's that?那是什么?It's just an old hotel只不过是一个老旧的旅馆而已。Go, go.快走,快走。Did they belong to anyone?他们属于谁吗?If they did, would they be here?如果有主人,他们怎么会在这里?Are you thinking what I'm thinking?你在和我想同样的事情吗?Oh yeah, why don't we just wander the streets and rescue every stray we see?噢,对了,为什么我们不在街上逛着然后拯救每一个我们看到的流浪狗?We got a stray on St. Andrews in Six.在安德鲁大街发现一只流浪狗。

Come on guys, you are being rescued.快点,伙计们。你们这是在被营救。Here doggie.这里,狗狗。What's the matter? Never seen a hospice kid in a hoddie before?怎么了? 从没见过穿着连帽衫的收容所小孩儿?You made this?这是你做的?Yep. It's to take care of them even when we are not here.是呀。 为了在我们不在的时候照顾他们。Thank you for riding the simulator. Please exit for the next customer.谢谢你乘坐模拟器。请离开,让下一个顾客进来。That's cool!太酷了!From DreamWorks Pictures.来自 梦想工作画面(??)I'd like to call in and complain about a howling dog.我想打电话抗议一只一直在嚎叫的狗。We are close and hearing something.我们关门了然后听见了什么声音And Nickelodeon Movies.还有五分钱娱乐场电影Dear, happens if we get caught in here?亲爱的,(是不是有个what在这里?)我们如果在这儿被抓了会发生什么?When the secret gets out当秘密被发现Do you really think you could outsmart us?你真的觉得你能以智取胜吗?Rather not answer that question.最好别回答这个问题The chase...这场追逐(Officer, would you please arrest these young felons right now?)警官,能请你现在就逮捕这些年轻的罪犯吗?...is on开始了We are gonna be in more trouble than we've ever been in or we are gonna save the dogs.我们要么惹上比以前更多的麻烦,要么救下这些狗All right guys, come on好的兄弟们,快点Hey!嘿!Oh poop, who poops on the floor噢 便便, 谁在地板上便便了Hotel for Dogs狗狗旅馆It has to be the grossest thing I've ever seen.这绝对是我见过的最恶心的事了That's awesome.太赞了。



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