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Accountancy (profession)or accounting (methodology) is the measurement, statement, or provision of assurance about financial information primarily used by managers, investors, tax authorities and other decision makers to make resource allocation decisions within companies, organizations, and public agencies. The terms derive from the use of financial accounts.

Accounting (Definition) is a service activity. Its function is to provide quantitative information primarily financial in nature, about economic entities, that is intended to be useful in making economic decisions, and in making reasoned choices among alternative courses of action. [2]

It is also the discipline of measuring, communicating and interpreting financial activity. Accounting is also widely referred to as the "language of business".[3]

Financial accounting is one branch of accounting and historically has involved processes by which financial information about a business is recorded, classified, summarised, interpreted, and communicated; for public companies, this information is generally publicly-accessible. By contrast management accounting information is used within an organisation and is usually confidential and accessible only to a small group, mostly decision-makers. Tax Accounting is the accounting needed to comply with jurisdictional tax regulations.

Practitioners of accountancy are known as accountants. There are many professional bodies for accountants throughout the world. Many allow their members to use titles indicating their membership or qualification level. Examples are Chartered Certified Accountant (ACCA or FCCA), Chartered Accountant (FCA, CA or ACA), International Accountant (FAIA or AAIA),Management Accountant (ACMA, FCMA or AICWA), Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and Certified General Accountant (CGA or FCGA).


My major is accounting, bachelor's degree。 I have passed CET-4 successfully in four years。 I have obtained the qualification certificate of accounting computerization and accounting profession。 I have worked hard in every subject of finance。I am proficient in using computers。 I have been working in XX company for the past two years。 I have been engaged in cashier, settlement accounting and other work。 I have worked in financial management process and tax declaration。 With rich experience, proficient in various financial software, enthusiastic about work, has been insisting on professional knowledge learning, and intends to pass the Intermediate Examination of Accounting once in this year。 To broaden my knowledge, I have also participated in the study of computerized accounting, mastered the basic application of accounting software and excel and other applications。 In order to integrate my professional knowledge with practice, I have also self-taught relevant case teaching materials, such as strategic management, company management, financial management, capital operation and so on, and applied them to my practical work。

If I have the chance to be employed, I will certainly be able to exercise and realize my value in my work, strive to be an elite and qualified employee。 At the same time, I also realize that the relationship between people and work is based on self-recognition。 I think I have the ability and confidence to do this accounting work well。


Accounting is the language of business,which can help us to know the overall operational status of a company. Usually an accounting major will attend the Certified Public Accountant Examination ,which is called CPAE. The CPA in the United States and the ACCA in United Kingdom are two of the largest international association of certified public accountants. Many graduates choose to obtain the certificate of the two associations.


“Accounting is that discipline which measures, records, reports and interprets financial and other information about an entity to interested parties to enable them to make appropriate decisions” Accounting is essentially a system for showing what the financial state of a business is at any one time. Accounting and financial information allows users to: See how the business is going See how aspects of the firm can be improved Control your money Plan for the future Purpose of Accounting 1 Accounting can act as a form of communication You can think of accounting as a form of language between owners of a business This language is not alphabetical letters but instead it is expressed in terms of dollars Can be communicated to relevant users through graphs, reports and tables 2 Accounting can supply information for decision making Decisions are made at all levels of management Suitable information will reduce the uncertainty decision makers may face Accounting can aid users of information to make accurate decisions 3Accounting can assist a manager plan their business incorporates decision making about the best course of action to take Planning is essential for business success and requires regular revision in order to respond to change Planning is a management activity that is supported by accounting information 4Accounting can act as a control device Accounting information assists managers to have the ability to control their operations Accounting also ensures that accurate and reliable information is provided Control involves ensuring events happen as planned Comparison of actual results with planned Corrective action and revision of plans 5Involves the following procedures: identifying and capturing relevant economic information recording the information systematically analysing and interpreting the information reporting appropriately to users




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