
谁有the magic key中文版就是用中文唱的的歌词

10月11日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英语励志故事: The Dove And The Ant]英语励志故事: The Dove And The Ant An ant was drinking at a river. Suddenly he slipped, and fell into the water. A dove took pity on him. She threw a small branc...+阅读

谁有the magic key中文版就是用中文唱的的歌词

《The magic key(魔力音符)》歌词: Listen up! 听啊! To my days change my ways 随着岁月变更我的人生之路也发生了变化 This sudden end to my days 而美好日子的突然结束 Makes me wish I'd changed my ways 让我宁愿过另一种生活 Spent more time with the posse 我愿和伙伴们分享更多快乐时光 One-t, nine-t, bull-t, me From up here, life seems so small 从这里(天堂)来看,生命看起来是这么渺小 what's the meaning of it all? 这一切一切的意义是什么? Miss the way it used to be 我想念以前的一切一切 One-t, nine-t, bull-t, me Where in the world could I be? 我究竟到了什么地方? Homies looking so cool, cool, I'm cool-t! 我的家人看起来对我是那么冷漠。 Tuxedos made of snow 白雪做的晚礼服 Is there something I should know? 有什么我是需要知道的? Mom and Pop and little bro 妈妈,爸爸和小弟弟 Dead and gone so long ago 他们都已经死去勒很久 Could this be paradise at last? 难道我来到的就是天堂吗? The first test I've ever passed 我曾经通过的第一个测试 Music's the odyssey 在音乐中旅行 It's here for you, for me 音乐不分你我 Just listen find the magic key 只需要凝听就能找出触动你心弦的魔力音符 Music's the odyssey 在音乐中旅行 It's here for you, for me 音乐不分你我 Just listen let your life be free 倾听然后放飞你的想像 Blissful days, what you gonna do? 你将怎么度过你极乐的日子呢? Still I miss my old t-crew 我仍旧怀念我们的T字辈 Can't afterlive without'em (我)往后的日子不能没了他们 I just wish they only knew! 我只希望他们能够知道! May they have lived without a home 希望他们没有受到家宠爱 But my homies love me kept me warm 但是我的家人爱我并给予了我温暖 Taught me to forget 'bout the game 这让我忘记了这个世界的规则 Money, hatred, hunger, pain 金钱,憎恨,饥饿,苦痛 This sudden end to my days美好日子的突然结束 Makes me wish I'd changed my ways让我宁愿过另一种生活 Spent more time with the posse 我愿和伙伴们分享更多快乐时光 One-t, Nine-t, Bull-t, me 比如One-t, Nine-t, Bull-t还有我···

WWE谁有HHH出场音乐The game的中文歌词

HHH出场音乐 king of kings 中文歌词 Behold the King, the King of Kings. 那个王!是王中之王! On your knees dog. All hail. 我们是你膝上之犬。万岁! Bow down to the, bow down to the King. 跪下,向国王跪下 Bow down to the, bow down to the King. 跪下,向国王跪下 The King grinned red as he walked from the blaze, 国王笑了,他火红如从他刚从烈火中走出 Where the traitor lost both his name and his face. 叛国者顿时失去了脸面和姓名 Through the halls and the corridors stinging in blood, 从大厅到走廊都喷溅着鲜血 He tasted his grin and it tasted good. 他尝试着舔拭双唇,味道不错 The King took his head. Left him broken and dead. 国王拉起他(叛国者)的头,扔到一边,他死了~ Bow down to the, bow down to the King. Bow down to the, bow down to the King. Bow down to the, bow down to the King. The King left none living, none able to tell. 国王一个活口也不留,没有一个人能够出去讲述。

The King took their heads and he sent them to hell. 国王拾起他们的头颅,将他们统统扔到地狱 Their screams echoed loud in the place of their death. 他们尖叫的声音在他们的死亡之地大声环绕~ Ripped open they died. With their final breath. 让他们死得安息。带着他们最后的呼吸 They hailed to the King, the King of Kings. 她们向国王跪下。那王中之王 Bow down to the, bow down to the King. Bow down to the, bow down to the King. Bow down to the, bow down to the King. Into the dirt, his will be done. 他将把你嵌入泥土 Now feel your fear, there can be only one. 现在!感受你的恐惧,这是你唯一能做的。 Bow down, bow down, bow down to the ... Bow down, bow down, bow down, bow down to the ... Bow down, bow down to the... Bow down to the, bow down to the King. Bow down to the ... Bow down, bow down, bow down. The King is here, now feel your fear. 王就在这里!现在!感受你的恐惧吧! The King of Kings. 王中之王! All hail, all hail the King. 都向国王俯首称臣 On your knees, on your knees for the King. 跪下,向你的国王下跪 The King of Kings, there is only one. 王中之王!唯一的王中之王

beyond the game的英文歌词中文翻译是什么?演唱者是谁

曲名:beyond the game 歌手:a l o u t 专辑:wcg 2004主题曲 beyond... 超越 go beyond... 不断超越 go beyond the game... 超越游戏本身 you and I, we have met before 我们原来彼此相识 to the magic of the moment in cyber space. 通过网络魔法般的瞬间 driven by a passion to win 激情驱使着我们去战胜对手 playing heart to heart, face to face 面对面,用心去享受游戏 the challenge of the live time stands before us now 现在,挑战正站在我们面前 beyond the game 让我们超越游戏本身 through the portal into cyber space 通过这里我们来到了游戏的世界 we have come to decide our fate 我们必须选择自己命运 we are here to celebrate 我们在此庆祝胜利 beyond the game... 一起超越游戏 beyond the game 超越游戏 at last, the moments at hand 最终时刻即将到来 all we need is to believe the cane? 我们需要的只是确信我们能行 we will make our stand 我们将坚信不疑 beyond the game...(beyond the game) 超越游戏 超越游戏 beyond the game... (beyond the game) 超越游戏 超越游戏 beyond the game... (beyond the game) 超越游戏 超越游戏 the world cyber games 这就是世界电子竞技大赛 let time to hear the spirit is right 让时间证明我们的是正确的 we connect now in a powerful way 我们正被一种强有力的力量组建在一起 we celebrate our diversity 大家为我们各有所长而感到庆幸 around the world with the passion to play 周围的世界充满了激情,去游戏 the planet will be watching 全世界都在关注 the message will be heard 这里的一且将会被每一个人所了解 beyond the game 让我们超越游戏本身 through the portal into cyber space 通过这里我们来到了游戏的世界 we have come to decide our fate 我们必须选择自己命运 we are here to celebrate 我们在此庆祝胜利 beyond the game... 一起超越游戏 beyond the game 超越游戏 at last, the moments at hand 最终时刻即将到来 all we need is to believe the cane? 我们需要的只是确信我们能行 we will make our stand 我们将坚信不疑 beyond the game... 超越游戏 through the portal into cyber space 通过这里我们来到了游戏的世界 we have come to decide our fate 我们必须选择自己命运 we are here to celebrate 我们在此庆祝胜利 beyond the game... 一起超越游戏 beyond the game 超越游戏 at last, the moments at hand 最终时刻即将到来 all we need is to believe the cane? 我们需要的只是确信我们能行 we will make our stand 我们将坚信不疑 beyond the game...(beyond the game) 超越游戏 超越游戏 beyond the game... (beyond the game) 超越游戏 超越游戏 beyond the game... (beyond the game) 超越游戏 超越游戏 the world cyber games ! 这就是世界电子竞技大赛 !

beyond the game中文版歌词

[00:01.35]ti:beyond the game 中文版] [00:02.55]by:play boy [00:03.25]制作:Aiolos from CQMU [00:05.58]beyond [00:07.43]go beyond [00:09.66]go beyond the game [00:12.59]wu~yeah~ [00:21.05]越是美丽就越想拥有 [00:23.89]它却更能轻易从你我手中溜走 [00:27.85]越是追却越来越远 [00:31.33]配合你的心跳找出新的起点 [00:36.27]是否忽略了现在 [00:39.68]让沉睡醒来 [00:41.81]BEYOND THE GAME [00:43.69]你要超越的就是现在 [00:46.89]注定我们从来不会失败 [00:50.60]让我们激情燃烧整个世界 [00:56.62]BEYOND THE GAME [00:59.42]去感受属于你的喜悦 [01:01.82]伤口不会把你我击溃 [01:05.88]就让自己主宰整个世界 [01:11.39]BEYOND THE GAME [01:13.35]BEYOND THE GAME [01:18.42]THE WORLD CYBER-GAME [01:20.08] [01:20.20] [01:40.64]有一双无形的手 [01:43.32]让本不同的你我一起战斗 [01:47.92]这是决定命运的前提 [01:51.14]对于胜利我矢心不渝 [01:55.58]未来只是未来 [01:58.94]我只需要今天 [02:00.98]BEYOND THE GAME [02:03.18]你要超越的就是现在 [02:06.26]注定我们从来不会失败 [02:09.99]让我们激情燃烧整个世界 [02:15.99]Beyond the game [02:18.00]去感受属于你的喜悦 [02:20.98]伤口不会把你我击退 [02:25.08]就让自己主宰整个世界 [02:28.74]你要超越的就是现在 [02:32.30]注定我们从来不会失败 [02:35.91]让我们激情燃烧整个世界 [02:39.98]Beyond the game [02:43.67]去感受属于你的喜悦 [02:47.00]伤口不会把你我击退 [02:50.84]就让自己主宰整个世界 [02:56.64]BEYOND THE GAME [02:58.92]BEYOND THE GAME [03:03.80]THE WORLD CYBER-GAME试听:


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