

10月18日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[带红字的成语有哪些]红 开头的成语 : 红男绿女、 红灯绿酒、 红光满面、 红杏出墙、 红不棱登、 红装素裹、 红得发紫、 红紫乱朱、 红尘客梦、 红腐贯朽、 红颜薄命、 红日三竿、 红衰翠减、...+阅读


roses-- the nature beauty, means that everyone has a good side even if he or she is in the prison or have made some sins Sunshine in the forest-- only the pure person can be under the sunshine. so the connotation should be sunshine equal to justice, no-secret,and no sin. the river,or the steam in the forest -- it means Dimmesdale, covered his deep heart, like the flourish forest. Having secret inside, the steam is whispering, likes he wanna tell the public. the action of Chillingworth when Dimmesdale is sleep in Chapter 10-- Chillingworth goes to Dimmesdale's room and open his cloth. It is symbolize to Chillingworth is digging some secret in Dimmesdale's heart. It shows that Chillingworth is try to get a confirmation about Dimmesdale is Pearls father, and try to revenge on Dimmesdale. Dimmesdale is sneaky, curious, and unbelieving others. Pearl is the alive Scarlet letter A-- adultly, ability, Angel(when i person died that night, i forget his name), Admire.... Stage-- the beginning and the ending place... means all the secret need to open, and show the sin 下面是我原来写过关于名字象征的essay,仅供参考,不可Plagiarism Feeling the names symbolic Writers apply symbolism to the novels in order that they could catch the eye of the readers and develop readers' interests on the works more easily. Generally speaking, symbolic names are one of the most important hints that the novelist would really like to tell us at the beginning of their stories. Names contain the information about the personality of characters, showing us that he or she is a protagonist or antagonist in the novel. In the novel, The Scarlet Letter, Hawthorne provides us with the best examples of symbolic names. Chillingworth, Pearl, and Dimmesdale are the three major characters. All of them have their own traits like no other


"The Scarlet Letter" is directed by Hector side, Han Seok-kyu, Lee Eun-ju, Sung Hyun Ah, Uhm Ji-won love thriller starring movie. The film tells the disputes between the original quiet life of police officers because of the occurrence of a pile murder of his throws with three women's stories. The film on October 28, 2004 released in South Korea


1.The Analysis on the Causes of Tess's Tragedy 分析苔丝悲惨命运的根源2.My Last Duchess in Modern Times 《摩登时代》中“我已故的公爵夫人”3.An Analysis of Heath cliff's Revenge in Wuthering Heights 对《呼啸山庄》中希斯克利夫复仇的分析4.The attitude of marriage in Pride and Prejudice 《傲慢与偏见》中对婚姻的态度5.An Analysis of the Imagery of Woman Characters in Pride and Prejudice 对《傲慢与偏见》中女人形象特征的分析6.A Comparison of the Characters in Pride and prejudice 《傲慢与偏见》中人物角色的对比7.Thorn Roses--A Comparison of Wang Xifeng and Becky Sharp in Dreams of the Red Mansion and Vanity Fair 带刺的玫瑰—《红楼梦》中王熙凤和《浮华世界》中贝琪的对比8.The Great Gatsby -- a Story of Bankruptcy of the American Dream 《大亨小传》—美国梦破产的故事9.The Expressionism in The Death of the Salesman -- the American Dream 《推销员之死》中的表现主义—美国梦10.The American Spirit in The Shaw shank Redemption 《肖申克的救赎》中的美国精神11.Womem and Marriage Represented in Pride and prejudice 《傲慢与偏见》中代表的女人及婚姻12.The Symbolism in the Scarlet Letter 《红字》中的象征主义13.On the Tragedy of Tess 论苔丝的悲剧14.The Significance of The Olive Twist 《雾都孤儿》的重要意义15.The Brief Analysis of the Character in the Gone with the Wind 浅析《飘》中的人物16,English Allusion and British Custom 英语典故及英国风俗17.O.Hernry's Artistic Animation as Seen in His Short Stories 欧•亨利短篇小说的艺术手法18.On the Theme of Pride and prejudice 论《傲慢与偏见》的主题19.On the Electra Complex of A rose for Emily 论《献给爱米丽的一朵玫瑰花》中的恋父情结20.Analyses the Marriage in Pride and prejudice 分析《傲慢与偏见》中的婚姻21.On the Use of Symbolism in Moby Dick 谈《白鲸》中象征手法的应用22.Hemingway's philosophy of life reflected in the novel the old man and sea 小说《老人与海》中体现的海明威的人生观23.Elizabeth's Characteristics in Pride and prejudice 《傲慢与偏见》中伊利莎白的性格24.The Contrast Technique Used by Jane Austen in Characterization 简奥斯汀在人物形象上所采用的对比手法25.The High Class as Seen in Thackeray's Vanity Fair 萨克雷的《浮华世界》中体现的上流社会26.A Comparative Analysis of the Female Consciousness of Jane Austen and Eileen Chang 对简•奥斯汀和张爱玲女性意识的对比分析27.Pragmatic functions of modal auxiliary 情态助动词的语用功能28.On theory of purpose enployed in practice of translation翻译实践中采用的理论目的


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