

06月23日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[中英文签证邀请函]随着我国经济发展,与国外来往迅速增加,你了解中英文签证邀请函范文该怎么写吗?下面是小编为大家整理的中英文签证邀请函范文,希望对大家有帮助。 中英文签证邀请函范文篇一 DA...+阅读


power of attorney

principal: li juncai, female, date of birth: june 9th, 1961

address: id number:

attorney: li jun, female, date of birth: aug 21st, 1946

address: id number:

chen miao deceased on july 25th 1994.

lin hui, chens wife, lives at xxxxxx, no.302 and no.303 haizhu district, guangzhou, china (property ownership certificate no. cxxxxx, xxxxx) the couple(chen miao and lin hui) share the munity legally. i am chen miaos daughter and legitimate heir. i hereby authorize li jun to be my attorney to act in my name in any way which i myself could do, with respect to the following matters:

1. submit application to the notary public for the notarization of succession.

2. submit application to the housing authority to register, check, amend and draw the above-mentioned property right and finish other related procedures.

3. pay all the property tax to authorities and other fees, we hereby give our attorney the authority to convey the trust.

4.we herein recognize all such civil legal acts performed and documents sign-ed by the attorney related to the above matters.

the power of attorney is confirmed to be valid till the case is pleted.

_______(date), XX.


委托人:李均采 女 1961年6月9日出生

住址: 证件号码:

受托人:李军 女 1946年8月21日出生

住址: 证件号码:


林惠是住在广州市海珠区xxxxx 302,303号房屋

(房地产权证)编号: cxxxxx,cxxxxx号)的权属人,上述产权依法是陈苗与林惠的夫妻共有产权。

我是陈苗的女儿,是陈苗的合法继承人 现我委托李军为我的合法代理人。


1. 向公证机关申办继承权公证手续

2. 向房管部门申请办理上述房屋产权登记,查验,更正和领取房屋产权证以及相关的一切手续

3. 向有关部征纳上述房产的税务和支付一切正常费用,受委托人对上述委托事项,有转委托权,。

4. 受委托人在办理上述事项过程中签署的一切法律文件 我均予承认。此委托书有效期为办结事项为止。

XX年 月 日


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