

06月17日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[中英文签证邀请函]随着我国经济发展,与国外来往迅速增加,你了解中英文签证邀请函范文该怎么写吗?下面是小编为大家整理的中英文签证邀请函范文,希望对大家有帮助。 中英文签证邀请函范文篇一 DA...+阅读


The more children I Love, the more children I can affect. The more I Love the children, the more I can help them. Whenever I fail, its just because currently Im running out of my inner Love for the children. If the energy of Love is not increased, or I cannot feel the love, I can not affect or help the children.


Real love should be Upside Downso the children can learn to accept me, like me and respect me rather than to he to tolerate my negative chatters and painful feelings. I do not necessarily like the ones I admire, but I will certainly learn from those who admire me. Loving children means we should learn to appreciate their individual advantages, merits and possibilities. If we fail to give praise to them, their advantages will gradually disappear. On the other hand, if we minimize our criticism of them, their disadvantages will fade away.

爱要倒过来 就是爱到孩子接受我、喜欢我、崇拜我!而不是爱到孩子嫌我唠叨、为我痛苦!我不一定喜欢我所欣赏的人,我一定会喜欢欣赏我的人。


Real love should be Upside Downso we should learn to accept and feel grateful for our childrens shortings rather than plain about them. It is these weaknesses that offer us the chance for parenting and teaching and also shows the greatness in our parents and teachers. When children expose their shortings, they are allowing us to awaken their Love in their hearts and help us as parents and teachers also to grow, we should be grateful for this GIFT from them.


Real love should be Upside Down troubled kids he no trouble. Each childs problems belong to their past experiences. If the children receive the energy of real Love upside down, they will no longer be afraid of problems, now hing a new power to address them.


Real love should be Upside Down our children are always in our hearts, to bee the best role model for them in mind and soul. This is our highest priority and goal.


Real love should be Upside Downto build an energy field of Love for children, in which they can absorb, smashing open the door to allow trust, munication and learning to enter, this way to fort the soul, remove the worries and broaden the mind, as now they can choose to use this new power and courage to hope.

爱要倒过来就是要为孩子构 建一个爱的能量场,让孩子在其中吸收爱的能量,撞开心门、抚慰心灵、化解心结、拓宽心胸格局,从而有动力和勇气去战胜一切!

Real love should be Upside Downwe increase the energy of love in childrens hearts, and to develop our capacity to do this. Each child has a Love Account in their hearts. When I appreciate what they do, I am depositing and credit the love energy in their hearts. When I plain about them , I am withdrawing, and debit the Love energy in their hearts.


Real love should be Upside DownThere is no effective education without it ! Im the origin of everything and real love changes the oute of all. Surround your children with real love and together help spread real love throughout the world.

没有爱 就没有教育!我是一切的根源,爱是所有的结局!想要双手拥有,爱在心中停留,爱通天下!


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