

08月06日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[小学生读书名言名句]1、业精于勤,荒于嬉;行成于思,毁于随。韩愈 2、养子莫徒使;先教勤读书。 3、书是全世界的营养品。莎士比亚 4、古今来许多世家,无非积德。天地间第一人品,还是读书。 5、读书在...+阅读

Read hundreds of times, its righteousness from now. - reflection

Reading to ponder. - cheng hao finds

Not to read, there is no real education, but also impossible to he what good taste. - herzen

When a great idea as a Gospel ing this world, its for old behiors by mass will bee a kind of offense, and in those who read a lot of knowledge but not deep, it is a stupid thing. -- Goethe

Reading makes people bee perfect. -- -- bacon

On paper will sleep shallow, know this matter to practise. - lu you

Husband reading will with what is true? Its sense of honor, to fix the number of people he also, examine its rare, for her good substance into god also. , but wang fu-zhi thought

Side always with a pencil and notebook, reading and speaking met every beautiful places, and the words to write it down. - Leo Tolstoy

Read to live, live to study, read to live. - guo moruo

More reading , fondle things to know. - wang anshi

Sometimes reading is a cleverly oid thinking method. - hull staples

Without thinking for excessive reading or studying endlessly, unable to fet what they he read, most of its will finally disappear. -- Schopenhauer

Reading for wisdom, just like exercise to the body. - Thomas Edison

Their slow Xu poo, open-book know the reading. - Zhang Yuelou

At any time, I also cant meet, the more read more books, the more deeply feel not meet, the more feel little knowledge. Science is mysterious. - Marx

The birds to fly wings first, man be self-motivated to read first. - flor

Fatigue in reading, escape in the thesis. - Cheng Duan ceremony

Reading makes people an eagle. -- voltaire

Reading for pleasure. -- maugham

For reading? Could connect to them. - Zhang Weibing

Study of method, the step by step and step, pore and fine. - zhu xi

Reading makes a full man, conference a ready man; and writing an exact man, histories make men wise; poems witty, the mathematics, science, deep, moral gre, logic and rhetoric able to contend. Every country is to learn, as a character. -- -- bacon

Read more thoughtful when asked. Read-only and dont want to, it is possible to conformity and bee sles of books; Or a tourist, gains little. - zikun wang

Foreign object of taste, long is disgusting, study of taste, the longer the deeper. - cheng

Period: one year can be equal to two years, three years, for example in the 17th and eight hours a day reading; On the contrary, two, three years can be equal to one year, or even less than a year, only five or six hours a day under study, for example, I was determined with 16 to 18 hours a day through the corpus of Chinese past dynasties. - CAI is thought

Accumulate wealth must, without reading. - YanZhiTui

One oid is dead read, read drill horn to death. - ye shengtao


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