

12月19日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[本科的英文翻译]研究生 Graduate student Most common degrees: Doctor of Philosophy --- Ph.D. (哲学博士) Doctor of Medicine --- MD (医学博士) Master of Science --- MS (理科硕士) Master...+阅读

In 12.26,2003 5 white angels came down from the heaven.They were Hero who had a beautiful face,Max who had the brightest smile, U-Know who was called "Dancing Robert" ,Micky who has noble temperament,Xiah who was called "Little Golden Sun" "We are TVXQ!" "The god will appear from the east."is the meaning of TVXQ.They published their first song in 1.14,2004.Soon,they had become famous all over the Asia. Mainly in Korea,Chinese and Japan. It is said that TVXQ had 800 thousand fans at least. The fans call each other "Cassiopeia" the constellation of TVXQ's.Because the shape of Cassiopeia is like an "W".However,"W" means 5 boys stay together forever~TVXQ forever~ I like Max best. His chinese name is Shen Changmin.I think he is a prefect guy.Though he is busy as a singer,his study still very good. And he passed the examination and went to Qingxi College which is the fourth school in korea.By the way ,he is really handsome.I am crazy about him. Now ,let's listen a song of theirs----Rising Sun ~ At last,i wish we can be the really rising sun ater 3 years~


培养英文怎么说foster。 音标:英 [ˈfɒstə(r)] 、美 [ˈfɑːstər] 释义: 1、v.促进;助长;培养;鼓励;代养,抚育,照料(他人子女一段时间) He manoeuvres to foster recovery. 他采取手段促进复苏。 2...

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