

12月21日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[感恩老师用英语怎么说]感恩教师节,的英文是:Thanksgiving teachers thanksgiving 读音:英[ˌθæŋksˈgɪvɪŋ] 美[θæŋksˈɡɪvɪŋ] n. 感恩节; 感谢,感恩祈祷; 复数:thanksgivings teachers 读音...+阅读

Dragon Boat Festival is my favourite festival.During the holiday of Dragon Boat Festival,I got together with my family to have a big meal.We ofen ate the zongzi.It tasted very nice.And we saw the Dragon Boat Races.I felt excited because the race was bustling with noise and excitement.At Dragon Boat Festival,we also drank realgar wine.Some people thought drank realgar wine can protect themselves from illness.Dragon Boat Festival was interesting and I like it very much. 端午节是我最喜欢的节日假日期间的端午节,我和家人一起去吃一顿丰盛的饭我们经常吃粽子味道很好我们看见龙舟比赛我感到兴奋,因为这场比赛是熙熙攘攘的噪声和兴奋在端午节,我们也喝雄黄酒有些人认为喝雄黄酒保护自己免于生病端午节很有趣,我很喜欢它。


想对老师说一些感恩的话但想用英语各位帮帮忙写一段!底下dear teacher, as one of your students, i have been fond of you classes since the first time you taught our class.It is you who helped me improve my MATHS/ENGLIS...

关于各个学位的英语翻译1、专科:Junior College 例句:Of junior college after only one year. 一年的专科学校就退学了。 2、本科理科学士学位:Bachelor of Sciences 例句:Ms. Fu received her Bachel...


高考英语听力怎么练第一、泛听换句话说就是什么都听,并不一定要完全听懂。 不管能不能听懂,先折磨自己的耳朵,让它不断地受苦,习惯了也就好了。从电影中我们可以学到很多的地道英语。如果说我们学...

高考英语听力如何提高呢我觉得要提高听力,首先应从多听教学听力录 音带入手,如所学的课本录音带,口语教材录 音带,也可以选听适合或略高于自己水平的有 趣的材料。无论是精听或是泛听,最好开始都 不要看...


怎样提高高考英语听力水平怎样提高高考英语听力水平 你一定曾经有过这样的体会,一篇文章用眼睛去看,明明白白,可如果换成用耳朵去听,就不知所云。很多熟知的单词,愣是听不出来!这是为什么?答案是:阅读词汇不...

谁跟我写一篇关于端午节的英语作文 50字The Dragon Boat Festival, also called Double Fifth Festival, is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth moon of the lunar calendar. It is one of the most impor...

关于端午节的英语作文The Dragon Boat Festival On the fifth day of the fifth lunar month is the Duanwu Festival, or the Dragon Boat Festival. It is celebrated everywhere in China. Th...
