

12月21日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[关于各个学位的英语翻译]1、专科:Junior College 例句:Of junior college after only one year. 一年的专科学校就退学了。 2、本科理科学士学位:Bachelor of Sciences 例句:Ms. Fu received her Bachel...+阅读

Life is polychrome like the rainbow,so we are easily confused and lost ourselves.Therefore,how to continue to pursue our dreams and chase the meaning of life are very magnificant in some points.The process of life just like a river,it could be smooth or hurried.However as it were,we should face calmly.We can do this when all kinds of troubles coming.That indicate we are more and more mature and rational.If you lost your pursuits,you should recall the reason that you come here to chase your dream blueprint.Whenever you should remember your original dream.It's very momentous.Besides,we need to relax our hearts when you feel exhausted.At that time,we can appreciate the beautifui scenery.As the result of this,we can pure our soul and relax our hearts.Moreover,we can hear the voice of heart.And we can help others .From this,we can get happiness and solve a lot of problems.Besides,we should pay more attention to our friends or relatives so that we can become more and more intimate with each other and gain the emotional resonance.

The rhythm of life is more and more quick .Sometimes we could feel we can't follow it.At this time,we should keep calm down to look at the situation.And we need to found a right way to continue our dream.Whenever we must understang we are a chase dreamer.So when all kind of obstacles arrive,we should face them leisurely.

Life is so colourful,we can get happiness from appreciating ,but we can't confused for its all kinds of colour.



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