

12月21日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[医生的职称用英语怎么说]主任医师 Chief of.../Professor 副主任医师 Associate Chief of.../Associate Professor 主治医师 Attending Doctor/Visting Doctor 医师 Doctor 医士 Assistant Doctor...+阅读

study and past time job, which is more important? nowdays,people have paid so much attention to sociale ability to obtion a bright future that many people think students doing past time job is more important than study. In fact, from my point of view,study should be of more importance. indeed, people of great value may have not studyed hard or have a long period of learning.but they are just great people,the success is definitely an no easy job to follow,which is achived with substantial other facters.so to have a fabulous future, we have to follow a normal way. since now most company employes people always with a high academic certificate,we students may have no choice but to study hard to blend in this cruel society.consequently i think study is more important. however,it doesn't means we have to give up the opportunity to raise our social ability.we can duly choose to do some past time job according to our study schedule.after all,the profit to us students with little money is absolutely tempting!


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