

11月22日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[小品《相亲》]【喜剧小品】相亲 作者:郭连海 时间:现代 地点:公园 人物:男青年(30岁) 女青年(28岁) (幕启:男边上场边唱)没有花香,没有树高,我是一棵被人冷落的小草,又是寂寞又是烦恼,你说我的心情它呀怎...+阅读

音乐小品 非诚勿扰

人物:李 总——财务总监


刀 朗——男

唐 生——男

郭 郭——财务人员



刘 姐——婚介公司经理



李 总:(唱)

hey, hey, you, you, i don't like your girlfriend

no way, no way, i think you need a new one

hey, hey, you, you, i could be your girlfriend

hey, hey, you, you, i know that you like me

no way, no way, you know it's not a secret

hey, hey, you, you, i want to be your girlfriend

you're so fine, i want you mine, you're so delicious

i think about you all the time, you're so addictive

don't you know what i can do to make you feel alright?

alright, alright, alright

don't pretend, i think you know i'm precious

and so yeah, i'm a hey, hey princess

i can tell you like me too and you know i'm right

i'm right, i'm right, i'm right

she's like so whatever

you could do so much better

i think we should get together now

and that's what everybody?s talking about

hey, hey, you, you, i don't like your girlfriend

no way, no way, i think you need a new one

hey, hey, you, you, i could be your girlfriend

hey, hey, you, you, i know that you like me

no way, no way, you know it?s not a secret

hey, hey, you, you, i want to be your girlfriend

i can see the way, i see the way you look at me

and even when you look away i know you think of me

i know you talk about me all the time again and again

and again and again and again

so e over here and tell me what i wanna hear

better yet, make your girlfriend disappear

i don't wanna hear you say her name ever again

and again and again and again

?cause she's like so whatever

and she could do so much better

i think we should get together now

and that's what everybody's talking about

hey, hey, you, you, i don't like your girlfriend

no way, no way, i think you need a new one

hey, hey, you, you, i could be your girlfriend

hey, hey, you, you, i know that you like me

no way, no way, you know it's not a secret

hey, hey, you, you, i want to be your girlfriend

oh, in a second you'll be wrapped around my finger

woo, 'cause i can, ?cause i can do it better

there's no other, so when's it gonna sink in?

hey, she's so stupid, just what were you thinking?

in a second you'll be wrapped around my finger

'cause i can, ?cause i can do it better

there's no other, so when's it gonna sink in?

she's so stupid, just what were you thinking?

hey, hey, you, you, i don't like your girlfriend

no way, no way, i think you need a new one

hey, hey, you, you, i could be your girlfriend

no way, no way

hey, hey, i know that you like me

no way, no way, you know it's not a secret

hey, hey, i want to be your girlfriend

no way, no way, no way, no way



李 总:我们做财务工作的就是忙,每天只见月亮不见太阳。员工工作干劲特别强,遇到困难就像狼遇见了羊。其实工作上我从来都不操心,可生活上我却难以把心放。眼看着她们的年龄一天天大了还没对象,我是看在眼里急在心上。正好我的好姐妹在婚介公司当经理,我就跟她说了请她帮个忙。这不约在今天下午双方见个面,这好女更要配上如意郎。小郭,小赵,小白快出来。



几 人:李姐。

老 总:都准备好了吗?

郭 郭:还行。



李 总:你看看你们几个,平时工作一个赛一个,再看生活中得过且过。都说兵熊熊一个,将熊熊一窝,我这么杰出的职业女性怎么就带出你们几个?真是让我恨钢不成铁。

几 人:啊?

老 总:我都让你们给气糊涂了,赶紧再精心准备准备,相亲的男生马上就到了。


刘 姐:现代人生活节奏越来越快,弄得年轻人都没有时间谈恋爱。据说现在都到了剩女时代,男生退化得特别奇怪。不是我不明白,世界变化快,女生越来越帅,男生越来越乖,唉,没办法,阴盛阳衰!

李 总:刘姐,你来了,欢迎欢迎。(握手)

刘 姐:咱们俩可是组织者,得想个什么方法让他们见面。

李 总:我觉得就用电视上《非诚勿扰》的形式,你看怎么样?

刘 姐:好是好,不过咱们得变一变,都是年轻人,就采用歌曲的形式作自我介绍,怎么样?

李 总:好,就这样。

刘 姐:男生我都给你们带过来了,你们女方先出来我看看。

李 总:姑娘们,出来接客了。

刘 姐:啊?

李 总:口误,口误。我说你们几个,快出来见见贵客。





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