

12月24日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[n开头的英语单词是形容词]n开头的英语单词(形容词):new (新的)、naive(天真的) 、nice (漂亮)、 nimble(机智的)、noble(讽刺的)。 详细解释: 1、new英 [njuː]美 [nu] adj. 新的,新鲜的;更新的;初见的 例句:New Englan...+阅读

1.Our life should safe and healthy。.....so we must protect our city。

2.The city is dity ,what should we do?.......now we must save our world.

3.Sport is very important for us。.....let us to do sport everyday.

5.Yesterday ,I had a pleasant trip with my parents。....we also had a good time。

6.My hobby is reading books。...I think hobby could makes me to be a good child。

7.My best friend is sally。....i think she would be my best friend in my life。

9.Yangliwei is a heroes in the china。.....I'll remember him in my heart。

11.English is my most favourite subject。...i must learn it well

12.i want to be a nurse。....let's me study hard and to be a good nurse。

14.my school is so funny。.....my classmates are very kind of me。



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