

12月25日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[关于爱情的英文每句]经典爱情句子 1) I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you. 我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感...+阅读

Roddy's Victory 罗迪的胜利 “I want to go with my net down to Butterfly Corner. There will be 13)heaps of butterflies out this sunny day. And the other boys at school are all collecting: they have more than I have, all of them. I have only a 14)tortoiseshell and a 15)brimstone. O, it's a 16)regular shame of father!” Roddy said. “Hush, dear, hush! Nothing that your kind, good father says or does can be called a shame. But I believe I can guess why he gave those orders. He knew that this is an over-busy day for me, and also that I have one of my bad headaches.” Certainly mother's face 17)gleamed out white from the dairy shadows. “And as this is market-day at Hamley Town, he and old Michael would be away until dinner-time. So, you see, sonny, he has left you in charge. You are in father's place this morning to guard the farm and us all, particularly the tinies. Don't you see what an honor it is to be trusted thus?” Something stirred in Roddy's heart at his mother's words. The best part of him suddenly came uppermost. He walked quietly away, followed by Fuzzy 18)sniffing at his heels. And, somehow, the boy felt an inch taller as he looked round the farm. After all, what were the butterflies compared with the tinies left in his charge? “19)Hip, hip, hooray!” Roddy straightened himself and cheered. He had won a victory – over himself. “我想带上我的网到蝴蝶角去。这样的晴天会有成群的蝴蝶飞来飞去。学校里其他男孩都在收集:他们收集的蝴蝶都比我多,全都比我多。我只有一只蛱蝶和一只粉蝶。噢,父亲这样做实在太糟糕了!” 罗迪说。 “嘘,亲爱的,小声点!你仁慈、善良的父亲所说的、所做的每一件事情都不会是坏事。但我想我明白他为什么叫你这么做。他知道这对我来说已经是超负荷的一天,而且我那要命的头痛又犯了。”在牛奶场的影子下,母亲的脸看起来确实很苍白。“而且今天是汉姆利镇的集市日,他和老迈克尔要外出到晚饭时间才回来。所以,你明白了吧,孩子,他让你作主了。这个早上,你要代替父亲看管着农场,照看我们,特别是那些小不点儿。你不觉得得到这样的信任是一种荣幸吗?” 罗迪的心因为母亲的话而骚动着。他身上最美好的品德突然浮出水面,占据了重要位置。他悄悄地走开,毛毛嗅着他的脚后跟也跟了出去。不知怎的,当他环顾农场时,男孩觉得自己突然长高了一英寸。毕竟,蝴蝶怎么能与需要他照看的小不点们相比呢?“呼,呼,呼啦!”罗迪站直身子,欢呼起来。他获得了胜利——他战胜了自己。


跪求英文的爱情格言短句1)I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you. 我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。 2) No man...

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