

12月27日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[有什么优美的英文句子]假如每次想起你我都会得到一朵鲜花,那么我将永远在花丛中徜徉。 If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden. 有了你,...+阅读

How to Face the Natural Disasters There is no doubt that natural disasters are great threats to humans' survival. Every year, the damage caused by various kinds of natural disasters, especially earthquakes, floods and typhoons, leads to unimaginable losses of human lives and the economy all over the world. Although nowadays the science and technology is developing at an astonishing rate, people still turn out to be quite vulnerable when confronted with these catastrophes. As a matter of fact, no matter what an advanced level human's civilization would reach in the future, it is forever impossible for people to stop all these disasters from happening, simply because they are the embodiment of the course of nature. Therefore, the wise thing for us to consider is how to face these natural disasters in a proper way. First of all, the subject concerning natural disasters is actually rather formidable, which ought to be seriously taken into consideration by the governments of all the countries in the world. International cooperation and scientific research is essential, which is capable of transforming today's advanced science and technology into the powerful instruments to predict the possible advent of any natural disaster. Reliable prediction can really enhance our confidence of bravely facing the catastrophes; however, no matter how accurate the prediction is, it is still incapable of preventing the natural disasters from happening. Therefore, when the disasters really take place, it is the time for the real challenge of testing whether we are able to face them in a proper manner. Under such circumstance, above all the governments should shoulder the burden and effectively organize the rescuing forces and resources to relieve the damage in the stricken regions; while in the meantime, all the people should unite together, and cooperate with the governments to bravely fight against the disasters. (302 words) PS: 100%本人原创,内容包楼主满意,就是字数有一点儿超标~~~楼主自己看情况删减一点儿吧^_^


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