

12月27日 编辑 fanwen51.com


Off the top of my head, I want to say something about the cute little girl in POVOS's shaver advertisement I saw on the TV the other day. The 20-sec advertisement begins with a very pretty-looking and lovely baby sitting there, and being kissed by both of her parents. Then she is pulling her hair and complaining in a cute voice:“All the men are the same, and they never take account of women's opinions. I am always hurt by dad's remaining beard. How terrible!”Then, there is a voice-over:“You won't have remaining beard if you use POVOS's shaver.” The clip ends with the POVOS's slogan:“It is about time to solve the problem of remaining beard.” as well as its big visual on the screen. The little baby in the ad is about one year old. Short curly hair, big black eyes and sweet smile make her look adorable. I like this kid because she is so impressive that she makes this short advertisement stand out quickly among so many dazzling commercials. Her facial expression as well as her posture well present the idea this clip aims to produce. I have to admit the fact that this ad is very successful because of the little baby. So cute! 北外雅思推荐。


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