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The season

Dear everyone my topic is the season.

There are four seasons in a year.

Spring is the first season in a year. And it is also the warmest season of the year too. Sometimes spring came quietly with the gentle rain. It is not very freezing and not too hot in spring. It is warm outside now. The temperature feels comfortable some animal wake up and some lives grow up too. Sometime it is windy and sometime it is cloudy. But it is always clear outside. The trees turn green. The plants begin to bloom. Some bees sit on the flower and gather the pollen. The ice melts and it is beautiful.

Summer is the longest season in the year. It is always very hot and dry in the summer. The sunshine is very terrible. But I think in summer all the things looks very green. It rains in summer sometimes. The rains are heavy. The day is longer and the night is shorter. My birthday is also on summer. But my favorite season is not summer.

We can also call autumn the fall. In autumn the leaves on the trees turn yellow or turn red from green. The leaves fall down to the ground, and they make a “leaves road”. There are colorful on the “leaves road”. The temperature goes down. Sometimes it rains. This is a cool season.

Winter is the coldest season in the year. It is opposite to the summer. And it also my favorite season too. There are no leaves on the trees. It is often snow. The snowflakes are very white, and it very soft on the ground. If you stand on the snow you can hear the sound like”zhi~zhi~”. It sounds good. I love to see the snow goes down. When it snowy the entire world turns white. It is very beautiful.


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