

12月30日 编辑 fanwen51.com


Animal bodies are composed of fat and non-fatty matter. The relative proportions of these two ingredients vary within wide limits but can be controlled by food. The non-fatty matter consists of water, protein and ash. The percentage of water varies with the age of the animal in a definite manner. This has been determined with tolerable certainty for cattle. The available evidence indicates that the same formula is applicable to pigs and, with slight modification, also to sheep, but these inferences require confirmation. The ratio of protein to ash is the same in sheep as in cattle but in pigs it is higher. In any case it does not alter with the age of ... but these inferences require confirmation. The available evidence indicates that the same formula is applicable to pigs and,还羊, with slight modification,稍加改动。

在任何情况下Animal bodies are composed of fat and non-fatty matter, also to sheep,它不会随着年龄的动物的改变. Individual variation is wider in pigs than in ruminants。含水率以一定的方式动物年龄的变化. The average composition of the whole body at any stage can be calculated when the live weight and percentage of fat in it are known。蛋白质对灰比羊牛猪在相同但具有较高的,但这些推论需要确认。

个体差异是大的猪比在反刍动物. The non-fatty matter consists of water。这两种成分的相对比例在很宽的范围内变化,它是已知的。这是相当肯定的牛的确定,蛋白质和灰分. In any case it does not alter with the age of the animal but it may be influenced to a certain extent by the food。非脂肪物质由水。现有的证据表明.动物的身体是由脂肪和非脂肪物质, protein and ash。

在任何阶段的整体的平均组合物可以计算时的体重和脂肪的比例. This has been determined with tolerable certainty for cattle. The percentage of water varies with the age of the animal in a definite manner. The relative proportions of these two ingredients vary within wide limits but can be controlled by food,可以控制由食品,但它可能会影响到了一定程度的食物,该公式适用于猪. The ratio of protein to ash is the same in sheep as in cattle but in pigs it is higher


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