

12月30日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[有哪些适合女生用的英语名字]取英文名字根据占星学是最科学的,快点按照自己的星座选一个喜欢的名字吧白羊座女性最适合的英文名字: Malcolm 、Joan、Niki、Betty、Linda、Whitney、Lily 金牛座男性最适合...+阅读


乌龟[脊椎] tortoiseset 。the tortoise to catch the hare 做不可能做到的事

1) He runs like a tortoise.他跑得跟乌龟一样慢。

2)Tortoises have a long lifespan. They can live up to 180 years old.乌龟的寿命很长。它们可以活到180岁。

海龟 turtle。urn turtle 底部朝天地翻转过来; 沉没 变得无能为力 [美俚]退缩, 畏缩

1) I like sea turtles.我很喜欢海龟。

2)Did you know turtles lay eggs?你知道水龟会产卵的吗?


求一篇关于环境污染的英语作文The environmental protection is the most major problem which in the modern life the humanity faces. Must solve this problem must start from foundation. First, m...

急跪求一篇关于环境污染的英语作文Pollution is one of the most seious problems of the enviroment. For example, a lot of posonous gas and waste water is released in the air and poured into the ri...

求一遍关于环境污染的英语作文带翻译Today the quality of our natural environment has become an important issue. The world population is rising so quickly that the world has become too crowded. We...

环境污染的英语作文如何保护环境 How to save environment? I think we should do the followings: First, it's best to ride a bike to school, don't take a bus or a taxi. Second, I will...

关于环境污染的英语作文给你个提纲吧 OUTLINE 1.how how is the environment polluted 2.who who pollute it 3.when when does the pollution become so serious 4.why why is protecting environ...

污染环境的英语作文There are still many problems of environmental protection in recent years. One of the most serious problems is the serious pollution of air, water and soil. the...

环境污染的英语作文60字以上您好:Protect Our Environment Our world was colorful,beautiful and full of life. But these years, people have built many factories along rivers. Many trees have b...

关于污染的英语作文60字以上the city is the member of the family. Our country likes a big family, many cities give help to Harbin, hundreds of trucks transport the water to Harbin.Everybod...

有关环境污染的英语作文Dear editor, With the development of economy, our city has changed a lot.. But at the same time, there comes many problems, for example, rubbish is thrown by pe...
