

01月02日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英语课堂小游戏]玩英语绕口令、给你提供一个 Cat,cat,catch that fat rat! Ann sent Andy ten hens and Andy sent Ann ten pens. Canners can can what they can can but can not can thin...+阅读

Construction of civilized and harmonious campus need to establish good study, a good school spirit. We should advocate a vigorous

of the team, a down-to-earth spirit of learning, will study the construction of targeting "ideal, unity, self-reliance, to become useful." A wind of classes forge ahead in unity and hard work assiduously to promote the study of individuals in a good environment in growth. Good learning life-giving

breeze, each quietly attracting students and further, to an ideal work hard. Positive and progressive culture, thus creating civilized and harmonious atmosphere for education.

Construction of civilized and harmonious campus need to establish credibility, and civilized

. Mutual trust between students and sincere treatment, tell the truth, do solid work. Examination and resolutely put an end to fraud, with honesty and strength to their teachers and hand a satisfactory answer.


英语课堂小游戏关于卧室、 BINGO游戏先让学生在本子上画九个格,每个格内填写一个听道的单词或字母,最后当老师念完后,老师选3个单词念出来,只要学生把这3个单词填写在一条线上,便可win the game,得到一个...

有什么好玩的英语课堂游戏?有什么好玩的英语课堂游戏提供几个好玩的课堂游戏: 1。 肢体语言 Body language 简述: (以教字母为例) 分组上台表演, 老师说字母, 学生用肢体表现字母的形状, 再让各组派人猜。 2。 荒野大对决 Cowboy shou...

英语教学小游戏有哪些1. 肢体语言 Body language 简述: (以教字母为例) 分组上台表演, 老师说字母, 学生用肢体表现字母的形状, 再让各组派人猜。 2. 荒野大对决 Cowboy shout-out 简述: (以教星期几为例...


课堂英语互动小游戏把班上人分组,看哪组记得快,事先说准备个棒棒糖之类的小礼品。 集体比赛,关键是积极性。所以竞争和奖品鼓励是很重要的。 然后还可以是你在黑板是写一个比较难的单词,然后告诉大...

有没有比较有趣的英语课堂游戏越多越好简单点的1,可以玩接单词游戏,先给出一个单词,有学生根据单词词尾字母作为下一单词的开头来往下接 2,猜单词游戏,一般是以小组的形式,给出一个单词由其中一个人猜词,小组其他成员提供和这个...

开创和谐校园英语作文Dear Mum and Dad, Time flies! I've been here for nearly a year. I'm very pleased to find that our school is really a good one. The students in our school work h...

创建和谐校园的英语作文As students, we need a harmonious campus to study in. Everyone should do sonwthing for it. First, study hard and take part in after-school activities more. It c...

写一篇关于和谐校园的英语作文Our government calls for everyone to try his best to build a harmonious society. As a student, we also need to try our best to build a harmonious campus. First,...
