

01月02日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[急需英语邀请函]Invitation Dear John, This Saturday is my birthday. There will be a birthday party at 8:00p.m. I want invite you to my birthday party. My house is No.20 of Hong...+阅读




佳偶天成、珠联璧合~新郎&新娘X月X日甜蜜大婚,诚邀您共同见证我们的幸福时刻!(酒店名称:*** )报名从速,请于当日x点x分(时间)前到达。





求一封英语邀请Dear John, we've received your letter of March 12th, and wish to invite you to our company for further diacussion of the details on our cooperation. If you are...

邀请老师和同学吃晚餐的英语作文welcome ,it is my honor to have you here -thank you -take a seat and do as the romens do-i'd appreciate it you know our coustomers have a big difference ,so if...

求一篇用英语写给老师的邀请Dear Ms. Qian, The new year is coming, our classmates plan to hold a new year party in our class at 6 p.m on 31th December. We sincerely hope you can attend and...

急求一篇英语作文用Email写封信邀请你英语老师雯雯参加你的生日dear english teacher, hellow,wenwen teacher,i amxx(注意,考试中不能出现自己的真实名字),i am writing to invite you to my birthday party.do you want to join in it? my...

如果学生想邀请老师烧烤要怎么用英语写是对话嘛~~LZ早说啊~~ - hi ,sir - hi - we plan to have barbecue on this Sunday, would you like to go with us? - that's geart , i like barbecue. - one shop in dow...

英语作文关于邀请Dear Jom: We are all here invite you and welcome you as our guest to spend Spring Festival with us.Spring Festival is the traditional holiday of China.It's one...

英语邀请函范文一篇英语邀请函根据提示和范例套写一封英文邀请Sample May 7 Linda, We are giving a party at home to celebrate my birthday at 6:30 p.m. on May 15. If you are free, would you like to come to my party? There wi...

急求一篇英语作文邀请July 30, 2007 Dear Mr. White, Excuse my being unable to see you and your wife off. Every time I recollect our close fiendship over the last few years. I am pers...

求简单直接有些内涵的百日宴邀请短信范本1. 兹定于何时何分(星期几)在何地为某某举行百日宴,敬备喜筵,恭请阁下光临,某某一家敬邀。 2. 宝宝百天,爸爸妈妈欣喜万分。特办宴席庆贺,记住宝宝成长的一段经历,请亲友一起见证宝...
