

01月06日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[急!请写一片英语作文题目是父母的爱]妈妈的爱 爱像春天的暖风,吹拂着你的心;母爱像绵绵细雨,轻轻拍打着你的脸面,滋润你的心田;母爱像冬天的火炉,给你在严冬中营造暖人心意的阳光。 记得我小的时侯,有一年冬天,天气很冷...+阅读

申请信有很多种,有求职申请信、有加入某组织的申请信、有报考申请信、有申请学位或留学申请信,等等。无论哪一种申请信,一般都包括这样几个部分:申请的原因,具备的条件,恳请申请单位考虑自己的申请,并表示谢意,期望回复。 写作“三步走”: 开宗明义说明申请原因—>展开原因—>期盼回复、表示感谢 Tips: 语言言简意赅,语气诚恳礼貌。

要避免不符合事实的浮夸。 如果是留学申请和奖学金申请,要注意提供以下信息:写明申请学校和专业,简介个人履历,索取对方学校相关信息,附上个人经历等材料。 Directions: Being a volunteer for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games is your strong wish. Write a letter to the Beijing Olympic Committee to state your application to be a volunteer, describe your qualifications, and express the appreciation of an interview. You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead. Do not write the address. 范文: Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to express my great interest in the “Olympic Volunteer Recruitment” launched recently by the Beijing Olympic Committee, and I would like to apply as a qualified candidate. As I am an English major, my fluency in both Mandarin and English, as well as my basic command of French, guarantees that I meet the language requirement for the various volunteer positions. More importantly, I have been an enthusiastic participant in many international exchange programs—which are reflected in my attached resume—and therefore, I believe my communication skills make me competent for such a post. Should you grant me an interview, I would be most grateful. Yours truly Li Ming 译文: 尊敬的先生或女士: 我对北京奥组委最近启动的“奥运会志愿者招募”活动十分感兴趣,我认为我是一个合格的人选并且在此向您推荐我自己。

作为一个英语专业的学生,我的汉语和英语都十分流利,而且还会基本法语,因此我非常符合各种志愿者职位的语言要求。更重要的是,我一直以来积极热情地参与各种国际交流项目—这些经历都详细地反映在附件我的简历中—因此,我相信我的交流能力使我能够胜任这个职位。 如果您给我一个面试的机会,我将感激不尽。


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