

01月07日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[15分求一段电气工程及其自动化专业英语翻译急不要翻译器的]Inverters derived from voltage source (VSI) are ideally suited for supplying power to a resistive and inductive load and the applications that require constant...+阅读

场景你Kathy,你室友Linda和医生doctor Huang,对话如下: K:what's wrong with you,Linda?It seems that you are feeling not well. L:Yes,i feel pain in my throught and a little bit headache. K:oh,sorry to hear that,why not go to see a doctor? L:i am planning to go,so would you pls go with me? K:sure,let's go. H:what's wrong with you? L:i have a sore throught and headache. H:how long have you been like this? L:From this morning. H:maybe you catch a cold,let me look over you. H:hmm,just catch a cold,take more rest and i'll give you some medicine. K:i help you to take the medicine,you wait for me here,Linda. L:thank you,Kathy. H:take more rest and take the medicine three times after meal. L:okay,thanks doctor.


电气工程类专业英语翻译问题2两篇是一起的吧,请验收吧。The battery polarities, of course, remain as they were according to their symbology (short end negative, long and positive). 当然,电池的...

英语翻译类问题电气工程类就给15分啊?加分了我再帮你翻译后半段,先给你一段:后面的加分再给你翻译。 看你蛮辛苦给了我十分,在给你翻译下去吧, 图4.5 所示了一个现代美国电力系统中的一个基本元件。电力系...

电气方面的工程师英语考什么1、职称英语分A/B/C三级,中级职称考B级,难度大致相当于4级英语(只考阅读能力,不考口语、听力),不分专业的(即不分机械、电气、建筑的)。 2、报名后,有推荐的考试用书,你一定要买。有一...





英语求助信模板快点马上用Dear Mr./Ms. Director, I'm ...., recently admitted by ........ department of your collgeg/university. I will come for registration on ...时间. What is worrying...

英语口语帮忙急用2How to live a healthy life ? -How do you think that people live in a healthy life? -Well, i think we should keep some good habits. -Can you give me some exampl...
