

01月08日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[谁给我出点英语关于八大时态包括被动语态的题目要有答案]1. - My parents have ever been to Canada. - Really? When ________ there ? A. have they been B. will they go C. had they been D. did they go 2. – Where ________...+阅读


一、听录音,将你听到的字母或单词的序号写在题前括号内(10分) ( )1. A. BD B. DB C. BP ( )2. A. HA B. HK C. KA ( )3. A. ge B. je C. gy ( )4. A. xo B. sv C. uf ( )5. A. music B. mouse C. mother ( )6. A. lake B. bridge C. flower ( )7. A. look B. cook C. pork ( )8. A. black B. bike C. bathroom ( )9. A. Tuesday B.Thursday C. Sunday ( )10. A. bird B. third C. cloud

二、听录音,将你听到的句子的顺序号1-5写在题前括号内(10分) ( ) What is this in English? ( ) Your teacher is tall and thin. ( ) What colour is it? ( ) Is there a river in the park? ( ) What would you lik for supper?

三、听录音,按照听到句子的内容,选择空缺的单词,将ABC序号写入括号内(10分) ( )1. are they? A.What B.Where C.Who ( )2.We have English Monday and Thursday. A.on B.in C.at ( )3.Do you like ? A.grapes B.bread C.fish ( )4.I can do at home. A homework B.housework C.dishes ( )5.The mirror is the closet. A Near B under C behind

四、听录音,根据问句选择回答语句(15分) ( )1.A.. It's big and new B.It's my room. C.It's a panda. ( )2.A.It's Sunday. B.It's tasty. C. My name is Sarah. ( )3.A.Bye. B.Good morning. C.Thank you. ( )4.A.She's 10. B.He's a driver. C..He's from Canada. ( )5.A.No,I can't. B.Yes, I am . C.No, there aren't. 笔试部分(55分)

五、填写下面字母的相邻字母(10分) N P R T c e g i k

六、将对应的反义词用直线连起来(5分) young black short big fat small thin white tall old

七、从下列每组单词中选出事同类的一个,并将ABCD序号填写到前面括号里(10分) ( )1 A pencil B eraser C ruler D plane ( ) 2 A pork B fruit C chicken D fish ( ) 3 A window B hotel C park D school ( ) 4 A blue B yellow C picture D green ( ) 5 A doctor B sister C driver D nurse

八、从下列右栏中选择出与左栏搭配恰当的对答项,将序号A-E填入前面括号中(10分) ( )1Do you have a football ? a. It's Saturday. ( )2 Can you wash the clothes? b. Yes, we do. ( )3What is seven and four ? c. No, there aren't. ( )4What day is it today? d. Yes, I can. ( )5Are there any fish in the river? e. .Eleven 九.根据情景选择合适的口语句子(10分) ( )1.晚上睡觉前和父母晚安,说: A. Goodbye, Mum and Dad. B. Good night, Mum and Dad. ( )2.你想知道对方能否拼某个单词,你问: A. What's this? B. Can you spell it? ( )3.要值日生把教室打扫干净,你说: A. Clean the classroom, please. B. Let's clean the classroom. ( )4.你想知道对方身体怎么样,说: A.What would you like? B. How are you? C. How nice! ( )5.想问同学周末做些什么,你问: A. What do you do on Sundays? B. What's your favourite ? C. Today is Sunday.

十、将下表中短语的汉义写入旁边括号中,并在下栏对自己喜欢做的打〉号,对自己不喜欢的打*号(10分) A do homework ( ) B water the flowers ( ) C sweep the floor ( ) D clean the bedroom ( ) E cook the meals ( )


英语被动语态的八大时态的例句、语态概述 英语的语态是通过动词形式的变化表现出来的。英语中有两种语态:主动语态和被动语态。 主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者。巧记为:主动、主动、主去动。 例如:Many pe...

初中英语8种时态分类练习一.一般现在时表示现在经常反复发生的动作、存在的状态或习惯性的动作的时态,由主语+动词原形+宾语构成. 如:I get up at seven every morning.我每天早上七点起床. 二.一般过...

八种英语的时态。并各举一个例子。一般现在时 I leave home for school at 7 every morning.每天早上我七点离开家去学校。 The earth moves around the sun.地球围绕太阳转。 一般过去时 Wheredid you go ju...

英语有哪八大时态时态 细分有16种时态. 时态按时间分可以分四种:过去时,现在时,将来时,过去将来时; 按动作来分也可以分四种:一般时,进行时,完成时,完成进行时. 故组合起来共16种,可依据具体的语言环境...

英语八大时态例句并变为被动语态每个时态写两个例句并分别变一般现在时: 1. She teaches us English. English is taught by her. 2. We see her enter the house every day. She is seen to enter the house every day. 一般过去时: 1....

谁能用初中和高中学的英语八大时态每个作两个句子然后在每个作两1.一般现在时: He is a student. I love ice-cream. 被动句: The job is done. The room is cleaned up. 2.一般过去时: I was very sad. I liked you. 被动句: The bad man was...

英语的8大时态一般现在时:是最基本的时态 eg: you are a Student ./ you are Students 一般过去时: eg: you was a Student / you were Students。 现在进行时: i am dancing. Lily is singi...

英语初中英语八大时态练习及答案一般现在时: 1.概念:经常、反复发生的动作或行为及现在的某种状况. 二、 一般过去时: 1.概念:过去某个时间里发生的动作或状态;过去习惯性、经常性的动作、行为. 三、 现在进行时...

英语八大时态。其实英语共有十六种时态,但我们平时比较常用的只有八种,如下: 1.一般现在时: 主语+do/does(现在分词) e.g We clean the room every day. 2.一般过去时: 主语+did e.g We cleaned t...
