

12月09日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[学生贫困证明写作方法]贫困生申请书范文1证明 兹证明某学生是我们县某村的学生,其家庭生活非常贫困,父母(把工资收入之类的介绍一下)如常年务农,没有固定收入,或者说下岗之类,年收入不足3000元。家里还...+阅读


Working Approval for fanwen51.

.has been working in GLV (Gateway Language Village) AA (Academic Assistant) Department since December until April.

Gateway language Village is located in Zhuhai which has been providing the highest quality total immersion English courses since it was founded in 1998. GLV was honored as a Well-known prehensive Strength Language Training anization and Top Oral-English Training School in the Annual Chinese Education list. GLV is a widely respected language training school, which has eragely 240 students every 2 weeks (one session), approximately 150 staff and 60 profession English teachers.

.s current position deion and duties:

Position Title: Tutor Trainer

In charge of the following:

1. The entire systematic training for English tutors

2. Proposing and promoting the new school accessorial programs

3. Daily tutoring clafor low level students

4. Training course for school staff

5. Editing and posing for training handbook

6. Tutors level evaluation

7. Management of tutor and school accessorial programs

Performance in Gateway Language Village

Successfully pleted the professional teacher training, and been awarded the certificate

Been promoted to the position of Tutor Trainer

Proposed and ran the school accessorial programs of Session Theme and Question Corner

Continuously did the English Training Course for school staff

pleted 9 sessions (2 weeks) of English tutoring clafor students

Established and performed professional tutor training program

ments from the AA department manager:

It is my pleasure to he Chris Wang working under my department for the past 5 months. His creativity has impressed me a lot. Chris has my full remendation as a manager. I am confident that he will be an asset to any anization that is fortunate to retain his services.



家庭贫困证明怎么写最好困难证明到底应该怎么写?什么格式呢?下面一起来看看。 家庭贫困证明范文 贫困证明 兹有我乡(镇)(居委会等)×(父母亲姓名)之子(女)×(学生姓名),于×年×月考入贵校学习。由于...

大学贫困证明表格贫困证明 1、贫困证明中要求明文出现贷款人名字,并且要求与本人身份证上的名字完全一致,不能用同音字、不规范简写字代替,不能有错别字。贷款人名字不得涂改。 2、贫困证明要求...

家庭贫困证明书大全家庭贫困证明书 兹有我乡(镇)(居委会等)×××(父母亲姓名)之子(女)×××(学生姓名),于××年××月考入贵校学习。由于×××原因(每个家庭的具体原因),导致家庭经济困难,希...

大学生贫困证明格式大全家庭经济困难证明国家开发银行广东省分行并广东111111学院:是 省 ( 县) 镇 (村民委员会或居民委员会)人, 2006 年考入 广东工业大学,其家庭因(以下填写申请人家庭经济困难原因)...




贫困证明格式贫困证明格式 XX大学 (学校): 贵校学生 XXX 其家长属本地居民,家庭基本情况如下: 一、家庭人口 X 人,家庭成员组成: 家庭年收入约 000 元 二、主要收入 XXXXXXXXXXX (填写) 三、...
