

01月14日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[哪位好基友能问一下商务英语的常用词汇商务英语难学吗]商务英语难学,因为牵涉到很多涉及的专业术语。比普通的英语更简单一些。 怎样懂商务英语,这似乎沦为商务外贸行业自学英语者的共同注目问题。商务英语是以适应环境职场生活的...+阅读

1, the cost of sales

2, the production cost

3 and bookkeeping

4, sales income

5 and non-operating expenditures,

6 and non-operating income

7 and balance

8 and inventory goods

9, fixed assets

10 and non-current assets

11 and low-valued consumables

12 and office supplies

13 and administrators

14, property management fee

15 and the income statement

16, its balance sheet

17, margin

18 and pre-tax profit

19, after-tax profits

20 and the invoice

21, rubric invoice

22 and red

23 and net income

24 and asset allocation

25 and average

26 and bank deposits

27 and reconciliation

28, cash cheque

29 and transfer cheque

30, bank draft

31, bank notes

32 and handling

33 and local bills

34 and acceptance of draft

35 and the discount

36 and interest

37, regular interest

38, current interest

39, the Treasury

40 and surplus



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