

01月17日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[由于某些原因初中英语跟没学没啥区别现在高二了想提高英语]我是从高中走过来的,高中的英语我必有体会。实话告诉你,我的英语也是高二才开始真正学起来的,但是我在初中的时候词汇就很不错,这也是我现在英语好所打下的基础。 废话不多说,高...+阅读

Dear XXX,


It's so glad to hear that you got the master's degree of engineering. You richly deserve it after 3 year's hard working. What is your future plan? To be a excellent engineer? I'm looking forward it.

Would you like to show me your diploma when we meet next time?

Proffer my congratulations again.





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