

01月17日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[用英语翻译一篇关于祝贺朋友的信]Dear XXX, Congratulations! It's so glad to hear that you got the master's degree of engineering. You richly deserve it after 3 year's hard working. What is your...+阅读

A:hello LEON long time to see you

B:oh JEAN Glad to see you

A:There are many good films in recent days.

B:yes it is approaching the end of the year

A:By the way.what kind of film do you like best

B:i like fantastic films.

A:so which film do you perfer?


A:which actor you think is the best?

B:ROBERTS i think.she is very beautiful

A:nice talking with you .keep in touch

B:i will.see you

A:see you bye


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