
求kelly Clarkson的you love me中文歌词

01月18日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[找一首歌歌词缘分前世今注定人生难得一知己]歌曲:惜 缘 作词:枫林尽染 作曲:佛爱 缘分注定心弦上。 小桥流水落。花香。。。。 小楼东风吹月影。 来去谁共烟。雨茫。。。。 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。...+阅读

【kelly Clarkson的you love me中文歌词】 Thick skin, Soft touch,厚皮肤,柔软的触摸 Heart of gold but it's na-na-na-not enough, 金子般的心,但是,嗱,嗱,嗱,它还不足够 Forgiving arms, The higher road,原谅的臂弯,更高的道路 Working hard but it's na-na-na-not enough, 虽然很努力,但是,嗱,嗱,嗱,还不足够 You say, I'm not good enough, I'm not good enough你说,我不够好,我不够好 But what you really mean is, You're not good enough, you're not good enough但你真正的意思是,你不够好,你不够好 You can't deliver so you turn it around 你不能履行诺言,所以你转身了 You didn't let me down, you didn't tear me apart 你过去没有让我失望,你过去没有让我失望 You just opened my eyes, while breaking my heart 你只是在破碎我的心的同时,也给我开了眼界 You didn't do it for me 你过去没有为我做这个 I'm not as dumb as you think, 我不是你想的那么哑巴 You just made me cry 但是,你就是把我给弄哭了 While claiming that you love me,You love me, you love me当你声称你爱我,你爱我,你爱我 You said you loved me but that I ,I'm not good enough, i'm not good enough 你说你爱我,但是我不够好,不够好 Stronghold, but fun ride,根据地,但有趣的骑车旅行 But rollercoasters aren't just na-na-na-not enough, 但过山车还不够,嗱,嗱,嗱,还不够 I keep it in, you wear me out, 我把它隐藏,但你是我精疲力尽 This kind of love is na-na-na-not enough, 这种爱,是不够的,嗱,嗱,嗱,不够的 Said I'm just a sinking ship, I'm just a sinking ship, 说我只是一条沉船,一条沉船 But what that really means,但真正意味的是 Is you can't handle this, you can't handle this, 你不能处理这个,你不能处理这个 You couldn't win so you turn it around... 你赢不了,所以你转身了 You didn't let me down, you didn't tear me apart 你没有让我失望,你没有让我撕心裂肺 You just opened my eyes, while breaking my heart 你只是让我开了眼界,在你让我心碎的同时 You didn't do it for me 你没有为我做到 I'm not as dumb as you think, 我不是你想的那么哑 You just made me cry 你只是弄哭了我 While claiming that you love me,You love me, you love me , 当你声称你爱我的时候,你爱我,你爱我 You said you loved me but that I ,I'm not good enough, i'm not good enough 你说你爱我,但是我不够好,不够好 Your love feels different 你的爱我觉得是不同的 It's like a blow to the head with your compliments. 当你赞扬我的时候,我的脑就像被打了一下 Your love hurts deeper 因此,也伤得更深 It's like a brick in the sea and I'm drowning with it 你的爱就像海中的一块砖,而我因此拿着它淹死 You didn't let me down, you didn't tear me apart 你没有让我失望,你没有让我撕心裂肺 You just opened my eyes, while breaking my heart 你只是让我开了眼界,在你让我心碎的同时 You didn't do it for me 你没有为我做到 I'm not as dumb as you think, 我不是你想的那么哑 You just made me cry 你只是弄哭了我 While claiming that you love me,You love me, you love me , 当你声称你爱我的时候,你爱我,你爱我 You said you loved me but that I ,I'm not good enough, i'm not good enough 你说你爱我,但是我不够好,不够好 So understand it means nothing when you say you love me因此,你要知道,当你说你爱我的时候,其实我一点也不在意 When you say you love me当你说你爱我 When you say you love me,You love me, you love me,当你说你爱我,你爱我,你爱我 You didn't let me down, you didn't tear me apart 你没有让我失望,你没有让我撕心裂肺 You just opened my eyes, while breaking my heart 你只是让我开了眼界,在你让我心碎的同时 You didn't do it for me 你没有为我做到 I'm not as dumb as you think, 我不是你想的那么哑 You just made me cry 你只是弄哭了我 While claiming that you love me,You love me, you love me , 当你声称你爱我的时候,你爱我,你爱我 You said you loved me but that I ,I'm not good enough, i'm not good enough 你说你爱我,但是我不够好,不够好 You said you loved me but that I I'm not good enough, i'm not good enough


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