

01月18日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[邀请领导参加晚会的邀请函怎么写]联谊邀请函>> ··活动缘起·· 经过萧萧雨云、悸冉、慕容忆雪lily以及蓝水晶星星天使的多次商榷,我们决定举行一次联谊活动! 在此,我们极力邀请各吧加入我们的大家庭,享受我们...+阅读

-------公 司 抬 头-----



-----Invitation Letter-----

Dear ***,

We are glad to invite you to visit *** Company located at (address) in Apirl 2011.This visit will provide an opportunity for you to make a better understanding of our marketing issues, and to communicate our future business cooperation in detail.

Please use this invitation letter to apply for your VISA to China.

We are all looking forward to seeing you soon, and should you have any questions, please feel free to inform me.

Yours Sincerely,




工作邀请函怎么写TO:(受邀请客户所在的公司,即你所在公司的名称) ATTN: (接受邀请人的名字/你的名字) Re: Invitation for Business Trip I, (邀请人的名字), on behalf of (邀请人所在公司的名字) Would...

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在职证明收入证明求翻译英文On-the-job prove name: XXX, gender: X, date of birth: on XX XX, XXXX birthplace: chengdu in sichuan province.Id: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX the comrade in December 2004, X...

有人可以告诉我:单位在职证明中英文版怎么写吗人事部都有标准的文本的,打印在有公司抬头的信纸上,HR经理签字.To whom it may concern:I centify that xxxx, passport number xxxx, has been employed by (company) from (...

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