

01月19日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[是选择高薪职业还是前途的英语作文]Which we should choose between high payment and more promising is worth a lot of thinking for many people. Some people hold the opinion that we should have a hi...+阅读

To recruit community volunteers take care of the elderly summer, I was very excited after hearing. Old people, poor health, care needs of young people. They were young, did contribute to society, and therefore it is our responsibility to care for them. I would like to use the holiday to do some good things for the community, so I hope you will give me this opportunity. If I became a volunteer, I will carefully take care of these elderly people, persevere.


我的性格英语范文怎么写Molding of Character as I see It A man's character is designed to some extent before he is born.The genes he inherits from his parents may play an important rol...

英语应用文作文100字you couldn't afford to buy the best brands. So you felt very depressed. There are different views on people's wear. The following are my ideas about it. Firstly...

A letter for thanks一篇英语应用文1. Letter of Thanks [日期:08-02-2006] 来源:Media Group 作者: [字体:大 中 小] To all the Campers: Three weeks could never make a life-long time. But three weeks' sum...

中考能用的英语应用文(八)失物招领(Found) 请根据以下内容写一则英文失物招领:假设你是市中学生运动会的一名志愿者,为运动会服务。4月8日上午你在体育馆(gymnasium)捡到一只手表和一套运动服,请失主打电...

spring festival初中英语作文【例文一】 My Spring Festival is special. My uncle and my aunt came back from Shanghai. My family were very happy to keep the Spring Festival with them. And it...

参加工作时间以什么为准参加工作时间是以最初缴纳社保人社局记录为准。工龄是指职工以工资收入为生活资料的全部或主要来源的工作时间。 参加工作时间可分为一般工龄和本企业工龄。一般工龄是指职...

关于填报高考志愿的英语作文[关于填报高考志愿的英语作文] 关于填报高考志愿的英语作文 为了指导你校高三年级近1000毕业生填报志愿,你校学生会对上一年度毕业生填报志愿的情况做了一次调查,调查结果如下...

高三学生高考如何报志愿为主题的英语作文帮忙啊Nowdays many students send up thier minds about going into which college for diffent aids.For example, some students think that they should believe thier intres...

50分!英语作文请在今天九点半前作答!关于高考志愿选择when we talk the selection of universities , the first thing we always think about is what can your parents do for you after you graduate from the university yo...
