

01月19日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[帮我写一篇英语作文:要求七月二十六日是你的生日]When I woke up in the morning, happiness filled up my mind. It's my bithday,Jul.26! I had invited several friends to my birthday party. They would come in the a...+阅读

A Wolf in sheep's clothing

A wolf wanted to eat the sheep, but he

was afraid of the vigilant shepherd and his dogs. One day the wolf found the

skin of a sheep. He put it on and walked among the sheep. A lamb thought that

the wolf was its mother because his skin looked like hers. So it followed the

wolf. Soon after they had left the dogs, the wolf came at the lamb and ate it

up. For some time he succeeded in deceiving the sheep, and enjoying hearty





有一天狼发现了一块羊皮,便披着它混入羊群。 一只小羊羔把这只披着羊皮的狼误认为自己的妈妈,被领出了羊群。 狼成功地欺骗了羊群,吃掉了小羊羔。





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