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[word英文版目录怎么自动生成]法 一、自动生成目录 在打好的文档中,打开样式与格式对话框: 1、选中全文的一级标题,点击样式与格式中的一级标题; 2、二级、三级……方法如上,同时也可修改 一、 二、三级标题的...+阅读

My puppy Snowy My parents bought me a puppy at a dog fair. I named him “Snowy,” because it is covered with white hair all over. On the weekends, I would take him out for a walk from home to a pet shop. Snowy likes all kinds of dog cookies and toys. Some are made of cow bone, and Snowy likes to chew. It is a 30-minute walk from my house. My cousins like to play with Snowy too. We throw a ball, and Snowy will catch it and give back to us. At the end, all of us get very tired but very happy! Snowy is getting bigger and bigger now. Sometimes he seems to be protecting me when we go out. He barks at strangers who get too close. Snowy is a good dog and I hope we can always be friends!


有关恋爱的英文句子1、You are the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen. (你是我见过的最美丽的女孩。) 2、Nothing is more important than to love you. (没有比爱你更重要的事情了。) 3...

谁有简单的英语童话故事The Fox and the Crow A Fox once saw a Crow fly off with a piece of cheese in its beak and settle on a branch of a tree. 'That's for me, as I am a Fox,' said Mas...

幼儿英语简单的小故事Once there was a boy who lived on a farm. Every day he had to take his father's sheep to a hill. One day he tried to play a trick on the other people. He said t...

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很简单的英语小故事A Foolish Chicken Christmas was coming .Mr Smith had no money to buy any presents for his children .His wife was ill and he spent a lot of money on her medicine...

简短英语小故事The Thirsty Pigeon口渴的鸽子 A PIGEON, oppressed by excessive thirst, saw a goblet of water painted on a signboard. Not supposing it to be only a picture, she f...

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英文故事简单一些的给你三篇,你选一篇吧. The Old Cat An old woman had a cat. The cat was very old; she could not run quickly, and she could not bite, because she was so old. One day...

简短的童话故事要英语的急Nancy was new to America. She came to America speaking only her native language. She brought her 8-year-old son with her. He was all she had in the world. They...
