
英语作文My favourite fairy tales30字左右

01月24日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英语日记80词 100词带翻译初一]Feb. 17th Two days before the Spring Festival. There are people preparing for it with joy and laughter everywhere in the city. So is my dad. He bought bunches o...+阅读

The" Snow White" this tale is certainly no stranger to it, but it is my most loved one of the classic fairy tales.

It tells the story of a childhood lost mother by her stepmother Snow White Witch framed, was forced to flee to the forest, and dwarfs shelter. But when her stepmother that snow white is not dead and then again and again to be the old woman framed her, finally put snow white. Later, a handsome prince saved her. The snow white princess and the prince lived happily together, her stepmother and the witch should be punished.

What a touching story! What a beautiful ending! I like the story, because it created many lively lovable characters. The beautiful pure white snow princess and be extremely cruel and merciless witch, they for the fairy tale added many moving notes, make this call more vivid and more interesting and more profound. It also tells us that" there is justice in this world." education, we cannot blindly in pursuit of beauty, the beauty of the soul is the most important. Snow white beautiful soul is also the United States, and the witch people mind is ugly and dirty. The students also remember, we can't be jealous of others, too strong jealousy is likely to cause harm to others and themselves.

" Snow White" by the readers, reading it, I benefited from, like" Snow White" in literature treasure house.






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