
以my ldeal job为题写一篇80字左右的英语作文

01月26日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英语论文中如何写limitation]通过整理,在写英语论文过程中,主要注意的有以下几点: 第一.对于初写英语论文的人来讲.最好不要对原中文论文进行直译. 在谈到这个观点时,唐教授一再强调初写英语论文一定要"抄",也...+阅读

My ideal job is doctor.I love this job not only because one of my relatives is a doctor but also because I cherish the value of life.

I have seen sick people on TV.Some of them are terribly injured by accidents and others may even killed.Therefore,I realize how important a doctor can be when someone is hurt and needs medical help.

In fact,if I becomes a doctor one day,I will not only cure disease but also tell people to cherish health and establish a healthy habits,so that everyone can have more time enjoy life as a gift.


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