

01月26日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[财务管理外文文献][109]Fama E.What's Different about Banks?[J].Journal of Monetary Economics,1985(15):29-39.[110]Aghion and Bolton.An Incomplete Contract Approach to Financial Co...+阅读

提供两篇关于企业内部控制的外文参考文献,供参考。 [1]J.Efrim.Boritz,Ping Zhang. How Does Disclosure of Internal Control Quality Affect Management's Choice of that Quality? .CAAA 2006 Annual Conference Pa- per. April5,2006. [2]The Committee of Sponsoring Organization of the Tread way Commission. Enterprise Risk Management-Integrated Frame work .Executive Summary Framework. 2004.


急求!财务管理的现状与对策的外文文献和翻译三千字左右[109]Fama E.What's Different about Banks?[J].Journal of Monetary Economics,1985(15):29-39.[110]Aghion and Bolton.An Incomplete Contract Approach to Financial Co...

求一篇关于中小企业财务管理问题外文文献及翻译谢谢Pbx technologies expressen seen you for the past few years is neither good nor bad could not get more fully the provisions of international economic an iou for...

英文参考文献原文1000字以上出处References: [AAAM97]: G. Alonso, D. Agrawal, A. El Abbadi, and C. Mohan. Functionalities and Limitations of Current Workflow Management Systems. Technical repor...

英文参考文献怎么写(Reference) 【1】 Author: Guoxing Wang Title: "Learn to sell Automobile in seven days," Publisher: Mechanical Industry Press Publication date: January 1, 2009 【2...

介绍几本英文参考文献Exchange rate In finance, the exchange rates (also known as the foreign-exchange rate, forex rate or FX rate) between two currencies specifies how much one curr...

经济类论文英文参考文献Lin G C S, Yi F. Urbanization of capital or capitalization on urban land? Land development and local public finance in urbanizing China[J]. Urban Geography, 201...

急急急英文参考文献的书写1。m阿斯特拉罕,等人,系统r关系数据库管理方法,模糊数据库系统,1,2(六月1976)97-1372。r拜耳和mccreight,大索引有序组织和维护,处理1970 acm-sigftdet车间数据描述和访问,休斯敦,德克...

外文参考文献的标准格式很显然 如果前面那段没有符号的就是提名的话 那么缺少了 作者和来源 根据我的猜测 咱给你分割分割 【1】HIMANISH DAS,Useful Byproducts from Cellulosic Wastes of Agricu...

毕业论文中英文参考文献格式怎么写[1] 作者姓名,作者姓名.参考文献题目[j]. 期刊或杂志等名称,年份,卷(期数):页码. [2] 刘凡丰. 美国研究型大学本科教育改革透视[j] . 高等教育研究,2003,5 (1):18-19. 没有卷的就直...
