

01月27日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[为学校英语角招聘一名英语老师英语作文 40字左右]English teacher wanted Hello,everyone,please pay attention to our English club.We need an English teacher for our new students.Are you good at English?Do you ge...+阅读





翻译:没有一个认为自己很绅士的男人会蠢到用吸烟来使自己出丑。No man who thought of himself as being a gentleman 没有一个认为自己很绅士的男人

2。when a lady was in the room。would make a fool of himself by smoking 会蠢到用吸烟来使自己出丑。



1:No man who thought of himself as being a gentleman would make a fool of himself by smoking when a lady was in the room.

No man who thought of himself as being a gentleman would make a fool of himself by smoking when a lady was in the room


以我需要招聘一个英语的家教老师为话题写一个英语短文初中水平I think for my child to find a English teacher, to help create an English language environment, let the children in preschool period to establish a multi langua...

关于招聘幼儿园老师的英语作文简单的初一learning that your school in an orderly,well-managed in the community enjoy a high reputation.i am filled with a boundless enthusiasm for education of youth,eag...

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