

01月27日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[冒险才能利用机会]洛克菲勒留给儿子的38封信——第20封:冒险才能利用机会 亲爱的约翰: 明天,也许等不到明天,就有一个人要过上富人生活了。报上说他叫大卫·莫里斯,与美国独立战...+阅读

片尾曲Bryan Adams - Never Let Go

我的版本非常好 比迅雷版本好 我怎么给你 给我发MAIL cxsy-2006圈黑163点com 这个是片尾曲 The Guardian Soundtrack*Never let Go. BRYAN ADAMS Can you lay your life down, so a stranger can live? Can you take what you need, but take less than you give? Could you close every day, without the glory and fame? Could you hold your head high, when no-one knows your name? That's how legends are made, at least that's what they say. We say goodbye, but never let go. We live, we die, 'coz you can't save every soul. Gotta take every chance to, show that you're the kinda man who; Will never look back, never look down, and never let go. Can you lose everything, you ever had planned? Can you sit down again, and play another hand? Could you risk everything, for the chance of being alone? Under pressure find the grace, or would you come undone? That's how legends are made, at least that's what they say? We say goodbye, but never let go. We live, we die, 'coz you can't save every soul. Gotta take every chance to, show that you're the kinda man who; Will never look back, never look down, and never let go. Gotta take every chance to, show that you're the kinda man who; Will never look back, never look down, and never let go. We say goodbye, but never let go. We live, we die, 'but you can't save every soul. Gotta take every chance to, show that you're the kinda man who; Will never look back, never look down, and never let go. Will never look back, never look down, and never let go.



人生最大的冒险就是不去冒险励志文章:人生最大的冒险就是不去冒险 大笑的人可能被当作傻瓜,流泪可能被视为脆弱,主动认识他人的人,可能会把自己暴露于尴尬的境地。把自己的想法和梦想宣告于众的人,可能失去...

关于冒险的励志名言关于冒险的励志名言 1.有些人一生没有辉煌,并不是因为他们不能辉煌,而是因为他们的头脑中没有闪过辉煌的念头,或者不知道应该如何辉煌。 2.不要总是因为考虑长远的打算而忽略了...

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微电影剧本《神秘冒险第一幕 第一场 人物:王梦旭 老板 时间:白天 场景:办公室 内容 “小王啊,你看看你这一周以来的工作。”老板坐在椅子上,用手指了指桌子上的工作成绩报告。王梦旭低着头,手擦了擦脸...


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