

01月28日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[现在要到美国高校学术交流1个月的时间请问从接受到高校邀请函]首先,看你的情况你老师应该办理的是J-1交流访问学者签证。 如果已经确认肯定会收到邀请函,那么当邀请函尚未发出或者还在路上的时候就可以准备材料了。具体需要哪些材料可以上...+阅读

A FORMAL VISA INVITATION Dear Sir or Madam: We are very pleased to invite Mr. *** come to our factory for visiting and business negotiation. The business trip will start from 18th April 2005 . And because the long business co-operation in future between **对方公司名 and us, they will come to China for many times. Please note, however, that we don't assume any legal or financial responsibility whatever regarding the presence of ****** in China. All expenses of *****'Sjourney to/from China, their stay in China as well as health insurance will be borne by their employers. We send you our kindest regards and best wishes for a pleasant trip. Yours sincerely, General Manager signatur July 29, 2005 XXX, CEO XXX, VP Sales XXXXXXXX Corporation (Address) It's our great honor to invite you to visit XXX Company located at (address) in August, 2003. This visit will provide an opportunity for you to make a better understanding of our marketing issues, and to communicate our future business cooperation in detail. XXX Company, as one of your distributors in China, has been great progressing in promoting and selling your products. We believe this visit will be of great benefit to our future business cooperation. Please use this invitation letter to apply for your VISA to China. We are all looking forward to seeing you soon, and should you have any questions, please feel free to inform me. Yours truly,


大学学生社团联合会要成立要给其他大学发邀请函具体内容不知道你的学校,就不说了,说一下大概的内容 尊敬的***大学社团联合会: 把成立的时间,地点,详细说一下:我校社团联合会定于****在****举行成立大会,诚挚的邀请贵校社联参加...

英语作文:邀请信:感谢信!急急急!Dear Jane: You have studied in Shanghai University for almost 4 months.As your classmate I am delight you have really made great progress in your studying. Also...

英语作文感谢邀请80字Dear Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson thanks for last week'invitation. I have a wanderful time with you. when i faced your invitation,i feel i got a great gift .then i re...

求一篇庆祝闽江学院十周年的英文邀请函英文的A special party to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the founding of Mingjiang College/University will be held on February 10, at 4pm in the dining hall. Al1 cu...

英文邀请信。要点是王先生想邀请chapman先生参加他们公司在八月一试着翻一下,希望对你有帮助哈。 INVITATIONDear Mr. Chapman, Hope you everything goes well! Our company will hold its DECADE CELEBRATION from 1st August to 3rd Augu...

如何写英文邀请函Dear Mr. Smith: Our company will hold a party to celebrate our fifth ceremony of developing the business in Chinese market. We are glad to take honor to invite...


生日派对邀请函怎样写Birthday Party Invitations Dear 15 It's my birthday next Friday.I am very glad to invite you to come to my birthday party.God knows how much I miss you, hope yo...

英文邀请函格式范文这个我们经常写,就是办理签证用,都是用有公司信息的信纸写,页眉是公司LOGO,页脚是公司名字地址电话传真啥的,正文跟下面这样就行了,最后签字盖公章。 Dear Sir or Madam: We are v...
