

01月29日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[向英语高手求一篇向老师祝贺新年的信100词左右]Dear Mr. xxx: As the New Year is quickly approaching, I take this opportunity to send my greetings and best wishes to you for 2009. Thank you for all you have d...+阅读

Never had a such wonderful Winter Holidays! I did a lot of things during the holiday. I did my homework. I watched a TV called "my girl". But my favourite time is celebrating the Spring Festival with my family. We had a big dinner. We let off fireworks. We took a trip with my parents to Beijing. we went ice skating there,saw the snow.and played with the snow. I made a snowman with my sister. We also went to visit the Great wall. That will be fun in the winter holiday! I can't wait!


英语口语一百句Any day will do?哪一天都可以? Any messages for me?有我的留言吗? Are you by yourself?你一个人来吗? All right with you?你没有问题吧? Are you free tomorrow?明天有空吗? Are y...

英语口语100有效提高英语口语水平的方法: 很多人在练习口语,常常强调一个“练”字,其实口语提高还包括很多方面。针对这个问题,特为大家讲讲“提高口语如何去练”,希望对大家有用。 曾几何时...

英语作文关于梦想的My dream In the future, I think I will be a reporter, because I think reporter is a very interesting job and I want to work in television and newspapers, magazi...

谁可以给我几篇关于梦想的英语作文Already have a dream in my heart,so I have to make every effort to realize it.As a high school student now,I will seize every chance to study hard,arm myself wi...

一篇关于梦想的英语作文题目 take action to realize oMy DreamEveryone has a lot of dreams. Some people want to be rich, dreaming of becoming millionaires overnight. Others want to be famous, dreaming of suddenly j...

不懂英语的人怎么才能快速的学会英语1.外籍教师说:每天听半小时英语,培养语感(注意,是无意识地听),我们小时候也是这样才学会说话的。你可以在休闲中播,但只可以是半小时! 2.抄得多自然熟,知识点抄抄抄。 3.设立错题本(非...

怎样才能让一个不懂英语的人学好英语先记好音标后,按照下面的方法去记忆单词 1.一定要读准单词,不会写音标,只要读得准确就可以 2.要学会积累,在英语中,一般每个读音都会有几个固定的写法 比如在单词词首发/k/的音,一...


提供英汉对照的英语绕口令1. How much dew would a dewdrop drop if a dewdrop could drop dew? 如果一颗露珠会掉下露水,那么一颗露珠会掉下多少露水呢? 2. The driver was drunk and drove the doctor...
