

01月29日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[二年级下册牛津英语十页怎么读]Lulu:What's this?(这是什么?) MOcky:It's a banana.(这是香蕉.) Lulu:Oooh,yum!(哦,好吃!) Lulu:What's this?(这是什么?) MOcky:It's a nut.(这是花生.) Lulu:Oooh,yum!(哦,好吃!) Lulu:What's t...+阅读

Because (此处加上原因介词会让句与句之间有连接性和逻辑性)Poverty leads to discontinuing schooling for(将of 改成for) the children from poor families. However(不用同时而是转折), they (去掉are,lack of 本身已是动词) lack of necessary basic knowledge and skills when they leave rural areas for urban areas(加上去市区更符合逻辑) to make a better living. So they are still poor, even worse


2年级的牛津英语单词上册和下册this这,这个 my我的 friend朋友 I'm=Iam 我是 nice好的 good morning上午好 good afternoon下午好 meet遇见,碰见 goodbye再见 too也,太 welcome欢迎 back回来 new新的 where哪...

初二英语下册课本内容牛津版的你有8b的磁带吗 上面有一盘叫wordlist 听那个吧,我只能给你u1的 past present transport times double-decker light rail since southern till married wife over stall cin...

牛津英语3B第二单元的C部分图片上的句子1Is this your camera? Yes,it is. Can l have a look? Sure. How nice! 2 Is thar your skirt? No,it isn't. 3 Is that your computer ? Yes it is. Sure. How nice! 4 Is...

牛津小学英语6b课文Is is 8:30 on saturday morning.it is warm and sunny. The childrn do not have school today.David is calling Gao Shan.They are talking about their pians for the w...

普通师专升本科常考英语词汇151. take measures/steps/pains to do 采取措施… e.g. The government warned that police would take tougher measures to contain the trouble. He said stern measure...

兄弟姐妹们有没有励志的英语句子啊1. Pain past is pleasure.(过去的痛苦就是快乐。)[无论多么艰难一定要咬牙冲过去,将来回忆起来一定甜蜜无比。] 2. While there is life, there is hope.(有生命就有希望/留得...

你开心就好用英语怎么说谢谢“你开心就好”用英语是: as long as you are happy 1. 人活着就是一种心情,苦也好,乐也好,得也好,失也好,我只要你开心就好! Surely it was a good way to die , in the place of...

关于甜点的英语单词 20爱玉 Vegetarian gelatin 糖葫芦 Tomatoes on sticks 长寿桃 Longevity Peaches 芝麻球 Glutinous rice sesame balls 麻花 Hemp flowers 冰 类~ 绵绵冰 Mein mein ice 麦角...

甜品用英语怎么写甜品 [词典] dessert; sweetmeats; [例句]我离不开糖、甜品和巧克力。 I need my fix of sugar, sweets, and chocolate 我离不开糖、甜品和巧克力。 I need my fix of suga...
